如何在 SQL Alchemy 中使用变量

How to use variable in SQL Alchemy

我已经使用 Alchemy 和 pyobdc 成功连接 SQL 服务器,更新数据库,删除记录也正常。


#import library
import pandas as pd
import os
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine import URL
import pyodbc

#prepare for the connection

DATABASE = 'lab'
DRIVER = 'SQL Server Native Client 11.0'
PASSWORD = 'Welcome1'

#prepare SQL query

year_delete = 2019 
sql_delete = ("DELETE FROM [dbo].table1 where dbo.table1.[Year Policy] = 2019")

如何使用 year_delete 而不是在代码中手动输入 2019?

您可以使用 f-string(标准 python-technique 插入 Python-Expressions/Variables):

sql_delete=(f"delete .... where dbo.table1[Year Policy] ={year_delete}")

Larnu points out in their 一样,使用 f-strings 或其他字符串格式化技术会使应用程序暴露于 SQL 注入攻击,并且在任何情况下都可能 error-prone.

SQLAlchemy supports parameter substitution,允许将值安全地插入到 SQL 语句中。

from sqlalchemy import text

# Make a dictionary of values to be inserted into the statement.
values = {'year': 2019}
# Make the statement text into a text instance, with a placeholder for the value.
stmt = text('DELETE FROM [dbo].table1 where dbo.table1.[Year Policy] = :year')
# Execute the query.
result = connection.execute(stmt, values)