使用静态变量与自动变量不会影响 运行 时间性能

Using static variables Vs automatic doesn't impact the run-time performance

GCC 的奇怪优化让我感到困惑。以下两个函数(calculate_with_static_varscalculate_with_stack_vars)的执行速度没有任何有意义的差异。

这是 MRE 代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cmath>
#include <chrono>

// just a simple timer, DON't PAY ATTENTION TO THIS
struct ScopedTimer
    const std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::steady_clock > start { std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ) };
          std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::steady_clock > end;

    ScopedTimer( ) = default;
    ~ScopedTimer( )
        end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( );
        std::clog << "\nTimer took "
                  << std::chrono::duration< double, std::milli>( end - start ).count( )
                  << " ms\n";
    ScopedTimer( const ScopedTimer& ) = delete;
    ScopedTimer& operator=( const ScopedTimer& ) = delete;

// this is the custom struct
struct Point3D
    float x, y, z;

// the candidate 1
float calculate_with_static_vars( const Point3D point5 )
    static constexpr Point3D point1 { 1.5f, 4.83f, 2.01f }; // static vars
    static constexpr Point3D point2 { 2.5f, 5.83f, 3.01f };
    static constexpr Point3D point3 { 3.5f, 6.83f, 4.01f };
    static constexpr Point3D point4 { 4.5f, 7.83f, 5.01f };

    const auto dist1 { std::hypot( point1.x - point2.x,
                                   point1.y - point2.y,
                                   point1.z - point2.z ) };

    const auto dist2 { std::hypot( point2.x - point3.x,
                                   point2.y - point3.y,
                                   point2.z - point3.z ) };

    const auto dist3 { std::hypot( point3.x - point4.x,
                                   point3.y - point4.y,
                                   point3.z - point4.z ) };

    const auto dist4 { std::hypot( point4.x - point5.x,
                                   point4.y - point5.y,
                                   point4.z - point5.z ) };

    return dist1 + dist2 + dist3 + dist4;

// the candidate 2
float calculate_with_stack_vars( const Point3D point5 )
    constexpr Point3D point1 { 1.5f, 4.83f, 2.01f }; // stack vars
    constexpr Point3D point2 { 2.5f, 5.83f, 3.01f };
    constexpr Point3D point3 { 3.5f, 6.83f, 4.01f };
    constexpr Point3D point4 { 4.5f, 7.83f, 5.01f };

    const auto dist1 { std::hypot( point1.x - point2.x,
                                   point1.y - point2.y,
                                   point1.z - point2.z ) };

    const auto dist2 { std::hypot( point2.x - point3.x,
                                   point2.y - point3.y,
                                   point2.z - point3.z ) };

    const auto dist3 { std::hypot( point3.x - point4.x,
                                   point3.y - point4.y,
                                   point3.z - point4.z ) };

    const auto dist4 { std::hypot( point4.x - point5.x,
                                   point4.y - point5.y,
                                   point4.z - point5.z ) };

    return dist1 + dist2 + dist3 + dist4;

// a function that decides which of the above functions to call based on the branch_flag
inline float testFunc( const bool branch_flag, const bool arg_flag )
    bool isStatic { branch_flag };
    Point3D point2;
    if ( arg_flag ) { point2 = { 3.5f, 7.33f, 9.04f }; }
    else            { point2 = { 2.5f, 6.33f, 8.04f }; }

    float dist;
    constexpr size_t numOfIterations { 1'000'000'000 };

    if ( isStatic )
        for ( size_t counter { }; counter < numOfIterations; ++counter )
            dist = calculate_with_static_vars( point2 );
        for ( size_t counter { }; counter < numOfIterations; ++counter )
            dist = calculate_with_stack_vars( point2 );

    return dist;

int main( )
    bool branch_flag;
    std::cin >> branch_flag;
    bool arg_flag;
    std::cin >> arg_flag;

    float dist;
    ScopedTimer timer;
    dist = testFunc( branch_flag, arg_flag );

    std::cout << "Sum of the distances of the four points: " << dist << '\n';


用户在控制台上有两个输入的两个布尔值(第一个用于决定要 运行 的函数,第二个不重要的是用于决定将哪个参数传递给被调用的函数).像这样:

true    // runs the function with static vars
true    // passes the first point to it

false   // runs the function with automatic vars
true    // passes the first point to it

然后 testFunc 内的循环调用所选函数 1 十亿 次。

现在有人可能想知道为什么这段代码有这么多膨胀。原因是我想阻止 GCC 进行积极的编译时优化。否则,它会使这两个函数隐含 consteval,这将破坏我测试的目的。

所以问题是这些函数如何花费与 运行 相同的时间(在我的旧机器上大约 22 秒)?静态版本不应该快得多吗,因为它分配存储然后只初始化它的变量一次?

So the question is how are these functions taking the same amount of time to run (~22 sec on my old machine)?


Shouldn't the static version be considerably faster since it allocates storage and then initializes its variables only once?


通过 constant-folding 优化,两个函数实际上等同于:

return 5.19615269  // dist1 + dist2 + dist3
    + std::hypot(
          4.5f  - point5.x,
          7.83f - point5.y,
          5.01f - point5.z);