如何有效地从 3d numpy 数组中删除行和列?

How do you efficiently remove rows and columns from a 3d numpy array?

我的目标是在将图像转换为 numpy 数组后从图像中删除黑色水平线和垂直线。我不想为此使用预定义的图像模块,因为我想对阈值等参数进行精细控制。


  1. 使用 cv2.imread.
  2. 将彩色图像转换为 3D numpy 数组 image (BGR)
  3. 迭代行索引并使用 row = image[row_index,:,:].
  4. 提取每一行
  5. 在每一行中,根据所有 3 个通道值是否都低于定义的阈值,计算有多少像素是“黑色像素”。
  6. 如果一行中有足够数量(或比率)的像素满足上述条件,则将此行索引存储到列表中remove_rows
  7. 所有迭代后,根据列表remove_rows.
  8. 确定要保留的行,存入preserve_rows
  9. 行删除后的新图像可以估计为image = image[preserve_rows,:,:]
  10. 也对列重复该过程。

程序成功了,但是需要很长时间。我认为时间复杂度是 O(rows * columns * 3) 因为必须访问每个值并与阈值进行比较。该程序对单个图像大约需要 9 秒,这是不可接受的,因为我最终计划在 ImageDataGenerator 函数中使用该函数在 Keras 中进行预处理,我不确定该函数是否在神经网络训练期间使用 GPU .完整代码如下:

def edge_removal(image, threshold=50, max_black_ratio=0.7):
    num_rows, _, _ = image.shape

    remove_rows = []
    threshold_times = []
    start_time = time.time()
    for row_index in range(num_rows):
        row = image[row_index,:,:]
        pixel_count = 0
        black_pixel_count = 0
        for pixel in row:
            pixel_count += 1
            b,g,r = pixel
            pre_threshold_time = time.time()
            if all([x<=threshold for x in [b,g,r]]):
                black_pixel_count += 1
        if pixel_count > 0 and (black_pixel_count/pixel_count)>max_black_ratio:
    time_taken = time.time() - start_time

    print(f"Time taken for thresholding = {sum(threshold_times)}")
    print(f"Time taken till row for loop = {time_taken}")
    preserve_rows = [x for x in range(num_rows) if x not in remove_rows]
    image = image[preserve_rows,:,:]
    _, num_cols, _ = image.shape

    remove_cols = []

    for col_index in range(num_cols):
        col = image[:,col_index,:]
        pixel_count = 0
        black_pixel_count = 0
        for pixel in col:
            pixel_count += 1
            b,g,r = pixel
            if all([x<=threshold for x in [b,g,r]]):
                black_pixel_count += 1
        if pixel_count > 0 and (black_pixel_count/pixel_count)>max_black_ratio:
    preserve_cols = [x for x in range(num_cols) if x not in remove_cols]
    image = image[:,preserve_cols,:]
    time_taken = time.time() - start_time
    print(f"Total time taken = {time_taken}")
    return image


Time taken for thresholding = 3.586946487426758
Time taken till row for loop = 4.530229091644287
Total time taken = 8.74315094947815


  1. 使用多线程替换外部for循环,其中线程函数的参数是threadnumber(线程数=图像中的行数)。但是,这并没有加快程序的速度。这可能是因为 for 循环是一个 CPU-bound 进程,由于 Global Interpreter Lock,无法加速,as described by this SO answer.
  2. 寻找其他建议如何降低程序的时间复杂度。 This answer 对我帮助不大,因为从输出中可以看出,瓶颈不是删除。执行阈值的比较次数是导致该程序变慢的原因。



我用 len 调用替换了所有手动计数。

各种生成器(r, g, b = pixel; x <= threshold for x in (r, g, b))被替换为直接numpy数组比较,如pixel <= threshold和python的all被numpy的替换.all().

旧代码和新代码分别在 5.9 秒和 37 毫秒内处理我的测试图像,增加了可读性。

def edge_removal(image, threshold=50, max_black_ratio=0.7):

    def pixels_should_be_conserved(pixels) -> bool:
        black_pixel_count = (pixels <= threshold).all(axis=1).sum()
        pixel_count = len(pixels)
        return pixel_count > 0 and black_pixel_count/pixel_count <= max_black_ratio

    num_rows, num_columns, _ = image.shape
    preserved_rows    = [r for r in range(num_rows)    if pixels_should_be_conserved(image[r, :, :])]
    preserved_columns = [c for c in range(num_columns) if pixels_should_be_conserved(image[:, c, :])]
    image = image[preserved_rows,:,:]
    image = image[:,preserved_columns,:]
    return image


red = np.array([255, 0, 0])
black = np.array([0, 0, 0])
pixels = np.array([red, red, red, black, red]) # Simple line of 5 pixels.
threshold = 50

pixels <= threshold
# >>> array([[False,  True,  True],
#            [False,  True,  True],
#            [False,  True,  True],
#            [True,   True,  True],
#            [False,  True,  True]])

(pixels <= threshold).all(axis=1)
# >>> array([False,
#            False,
#            False,
#            True,
#            False])
# We successfully detect that the fourth pixel has all its rgb values below the threshold.

(pixels <= threshold).all(axis=1).sum()
# >>> 1
# Summing a boolean area is a handy way of counting how many element in the
# array are true, i.e. dark enough in our case.

备选方案 1:单纯疱疹病毒。

我们可以考虑的另一件事是使用 HSV 颜色系统,因为您只担心问题中的亮度。这将允许使用检查每个像素是否 s <= threshold,所以比较一次而不是三个。

尽管与 HSV 进行了两次转换,但图像的处理时间为 18 毫秒而不是 37 毫秒。

def edge_removal(image, threshold=50, max_black_ratio=0.7):

    def pixels_should_be_conserved(pixels) -> bool:
        black_pixel_count = (pixels[:,2] <= threshold).sum() # Notice the change here.
        pixel_count = len(pixels)
        return pixel_count > 0 and black_pixel_count/pixel_count <= max_black_ratio

    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

    num_rows, num_columns, _ = image.shape
    preserved_rows    = [r for r in range(num_rows)    if pixels_should_be_conserved(image[r, :, :])]
    preserved_columns = [c for c in range(num_columns) if pixels_should_be_conserved(image[:, c, :])]
    image = image[preserved_rows,:,:]
    image = image[:,preserved_columns,:]

    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
    return image

选项 2:灰度。

我们还可以在灰度模式下工作,并将“像素”(现在是单个值)直接与阈值进行比较。与 HSV 替代方案相比,我们节省了一次转换,但使用了更多的内存。

它在 14 毫秒内运行。

def edge_removal(image, threshold=50, max_black_ratio=0.7):

    def pixels_should_be_conserved(pixels) -> bool:
        black_pixel_count = (pixels <= threshold).sum()
        pixel_count = len(pixels)
        return pixel_count > 0 and black_pixel_count/pixel_count < max_black_ratio
    image_grayscale = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    num_rows, num_columns, _ = image.shape
    preserved_rows    = [r for r in range(num_rows)    if pixels_should_be_conserved(image_grayscale[r, :])]
    preserved_columns = [c for c in range(num_columns) if pixels_should_be_conserved(image_grayscale[:, c])]
    image = image[preserved_rows,:,:]
    image = image[:,preserved_columns,:]
    return image


5900 ms 37 ms 18 ms 14 ms