他们是否有可能在 netgraph 中执行一些鼠标悬停以突出显示节点?

Is their a possibility to perform some mouse over in netgraph for node highlighting?

基于 问题,可以生成一个用 netgraph 可视化的 networkx 图:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx

from netgraph import Graph # pip install netgraph

node_labels = {1: 'p→q', 2: '¬q', 3: '¬ (¬p)', 4: '¬p', 5: '¬p∧ ¬ (¬p)', 6: 'p', 7: 'q', 8: 'q∧ ¬q', 9: '¬p'}
color_map = {1: 'red', 2: 'red', 3: 'red', 4: 'red', 5: 'lightblue', 6: 'lightblue', 7: 'lightblue', 8: 'lightblue', 9: 'blue'}
edge_labels = {(3, 5): '∧I', (4, 5): '∧I', (4, 6): '¬E', (5, 6): '¬E', (1, 7): '→E', (6, 7): '→E', (2, 8): '∧I', (7, 8): '∧I', (8, 9): '¬E', (3, 9): '¬E'}
highlight = {1: {1}, 2: {2}, 3: {3}, 4: {4}, 5: {3, 4}, 6: {3}, 7: {1, 3}, 8: {1, 2, 3}, 9: {1, 2}}

graph = nx.from_edgelist(edge_labels, nx.DiGraph())

Graph(graph, node_layout='dot',
      node_labels=node_labels, node_label_fontdict=dict(size=21),
      edge_labels=edge_labels, edge_label_fontdict=dict(size=14), edge_label_rotate=False,
      node_color=color_map, node_edge_color=color_map, arrows=True



在 netgraph 上,我发现了一些 interactive graphs 的教程,这些教程对节点及其后继者和前任者做了类似的事情。但是在该教程中并不清楚突出显示的具体工作原理。


如您所述,InteractiveGraph class 实现了某些悬停事件,这样如果您将鼠标悬停在节点上,该节点及其相邻节点以及它们之间的边缘就会突出显示;如果将鼠标悬停在一条边上,则该边及其源节点和目标节点会突出显示。但是,netgraph 不支持自定义悬停事件(目前)。

但是,所需的功能实现起来并不难。 InteractiveGraph继承了EmphasizeOnHoverGraph的节点和边高亮逻辑。 EmphasizeOnHoverGraph._on_motion would need some major changes, which is where the logic for highlighting other elements in the graph is implemented at the moment. Also, EmphasizeOnHoverGraph.__init__ and InteractiveGraph.__init__ would need some minor changes to support the additional keyword argument. If you raise an issue on my github,我不会忘记下周或下周查看它。如果您想自己尝试一下,欢迎提出请求!