EF C# 构建在 WHERE 子句中具有多个谓词的复杂查询

EF C# Building complex query having multiple predicates within WHERE clause

我的 API 查询的一部分是要在 select 查询中使用的 ID 数组。以下是查询的创建方式:

var budget_query = _context.Budgets
                .Where(_ => _.IdOwner == q.IdOwner)
                .Where(_ => _.Month >= startdate && _.Month <= enddate)
                .Where(_ => _.IsDeleted == 0);

            if (q.IsCategory != 1)
                budget_query = budget_query.Where(_ => _.IsUncat == 0);

            if (q.IdCurrency != null && q.IdCurrency != 0)
                budget_query = budget_query.Where(_ => _.IdCurrency == q.IdCurrency);

            if (q.IdTagSel.Length > 0)
                foreach (var sel in q.IdTagSel)
                    budget_query = budget_query.Where(_ => _.IdTag == sel);

它会导致空响应,因为显然一个记录的字段不能有很多不同的值,在这种情况下它会创建 SQL 查询,例如:

SELECT * FROM budgets WHERE IdTag = value1 AND IdTag = value2, etc


SELECT * FROM budgets WHERE (IdTag == value1 OR IdTag == value2)

是否有任何简单的方法可以使用 LINQ 表达式实现此目的?



 budget_query = budget_query.Where(_ => q.IdTagSel.Any(x=>x ==_.IdTag));


var trans_query = _context.Transactions
                        .Where(_ => _.TransactionDate > startdate && _.TransactionDate < enddate)
                        .Where(_ => _.IsDeleted == 0)
                        .Where(_ => _.IdOwner == q.IdOwner)
                        .Where(_ => _.IsCredit == q.IsIncome);

            if (q.IdTagSel.Length > 0)
                trans_query = trans_query.Where(_ => q.IdTagSel.Any(y => y == _.IdTag));

            if (q.IdCurrency != null && q.IdCurrency != 0)
                trans_query = trans_query.Where(_ => _.IdCurrency == q.IdCurrency);

            var trans = trans_query.OrderBy(_ => _.TransactionDate).ToList();


"The LINQ expression 'DbSet<Transaction>()\n    .Where(t => t.TransactionDate > __startdate_0 && t.TransactionDate < __enddate_1)\n    .Where(t => (int)t.IsDeleted == 0)\n    .Where(t => t.IdOwner == __q_IdOwner_2)\n    .Where(t => (Nullable<int>)(int)t.IsCredit == __q_IsIncome_3)\n    .Where(t => __q_IdTagSel_4\n        .Any(y => (Nullable<int>)y == t.IdTag))' could not be translated.

我尝试对其进行调试,一切看起来都正常 - 所有本地人都很好并且与第一种情况相同。现在,我真的很困惑。有什么想法会导致这种差异吗?

任何 Where(...) 都会创建一个 AND 条件。您需要的是将您的 foreach 更改为 .Any()Contains() 条件。不确定哪个对 EF

    if (q.IdTagSel.Length > 0)
        budget_query = budget_query.Where(_ => q.IdTagSel.Contains(_.IdTag));

//--- or

    if (q.IdTagSel.Length > 0)
        budget_query = budget_query.Where(_ => q.IdTagSel.Any(x => x == _.IdTag));


SELECT * FROM budgets WHERE IdTag IN (value1, value2)