
How to disable linear-gradient added by dark mode theme?

为什么MUI在黑暗模式下给组件(是其中之一)添加一些随机渐变? 有没有办法禁用它,因为这有点破坏我的自定义主题的目的,因为它没有反映确切的预期颜色...


export const themeOptions: ThemeOptions = {
palette: {
    mode: 'dark',
    primary: {
        main: '#00c9ff',
        light: '#6bfcff',
        dark: '#0079b1'
    secondary: {
        main: '#ffb000',
        light: '#ffe24b',
        dark: '#c68100'
    info: {
        main: '#00c9ff',
        light: '#6bfcff',
        dark: '#0079b1'
    error: {
        main: '#FF4349',
        dark: '#c70032',
        light: '#ff7a75'
    warning: {
        main: '#ff8500',
        dark: '#ea712f',
        light: '#ffb644'
    success: {
        main: '#3da930',
        dark: '#2d7e24',
        light: '#73db60'
    neutral: {
        main: '#64748B',
        contrastText: '#fff'

渐变是 MUI 在黑暗模式下实现 elevation of the Paper 组件的方式的一部分。如果不想要这个渐变,可以在主题中覆盖:

const theme = createTheme({
  palette: {
    mode: "dark"
  components: {
    MuiPaper: {
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          backgroundImage: "unset"