如何在 .net core web 中的 HttpGet 请求中进行 where 查询 api

How to make where query in HttpGet request in .net core web api

我正在尝试在我的 ASP.NET 核心网站 API 中发出 HttpGet 请求。



public class Predoslepozicie
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int idZamestnanca { get; set; }
    public string Pozicia { get; set; }
    public DateTime DatumUkoncenia { get; set; }
    public DateTime DatumNastupu { get; set; }


// GET: api/Predoslepozicie/5
public async Task<ActionResult<Predoslepozicie>> GetPredoslepozicie(int idZamestnanca)
    var Predoslepozicie = await _context.Predoslepozicie.FindAsync(idZamestnanca);

    if (Predoslepozicie == null)
        return NotFound();

    return Predoslepozicie;

idZamestnanca 是 SQL 数据库中另一个 table 的 ID,我需要 select 所有行 where id = x.

例如 idZamestnanca = 9 在 table 中出现了 10 次,我需要查询 return 这 10 行。

当我尝试使用 idZamestnanca 发出请求时,我收到状态 404。

"When I try to make request with idZamestnanca, I get a status 404.":

There may two major reason for your 404 you are getting now.

When Controller Hits But Returns with 404 :

Let's imagine this is your table. You would like to search by idZamestnanca from this table. Here PrimaryKey is Id. But you would like to search by idZamestnanca in that case FindAsync(idZamestnanca) will not work. Because FindAsync "finds an entity with the given primary key values" so FindAsync will always return 404

Solution For Your Scenario :


 var Predoslepozicie =  _context.Predoslepozicies.Where(id=>id.idZamestnanca == idZamestnanca).ToList();

Note: When you would replace above query then it would yell at you.

Because this a List But you have defined single object Task<ActionResult<Predoslepozicie>> here.

Final Fixing :

替换 Task<ActionResult<List<Predoslepozicie>>> 这样你的 Controller Action 应该如下所示:

        public async Task<ActionResult<List<Predoslepozicie>>> GetPredoslepozicie(int idZamestnanca)
            var Predoslepozicie = _context.Predoslepozicies.Where(id => id.idZamestnanca == idZamestnanca).ToList();

            if (Predoslepozicie == null)
                return NotFound();

            return Predoslepozicie;


Good Practice :

    public class FrodoNicitelController : ControllerBase
        private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

        public FrodoNicitelController(ApplicationDbContext context)
            _context = context;

        public async Task<ActionResult> GetPredoslepozicie(int idZamestnanca)
            var Predoslepozicie = _context.Predoslepozicies.Where(id => id.idZamestnanca == idZamestnanca).ToList();

            if (Predoslepozicie == null)
                return NotFound();

            return Ok(Predoslepozicie);

Output :

When Controller Does't Hits and Returns with 404 :

In this case you are not sending your Attribute routing correctly. When you set your Route Attribute as like [HttpGet("{idZamestnanca}")] in that scenario you have to call your API URL like below:

https://localhost:7132/api/YourControllerName/101 // Need to call like this

Note: Remember that here you have to pass your parameter directly after controller followed by / backslash not by ? or like below

 https://localhost:7132/api/YourControllerName?idZamestnanca=1 // Not like this
