React 上下文的状态更新不会 re-render children

Updates to the state of React context don't re-render children

我正在通过 child 组件中的回调更新上下文中的共享状态,但这不会导致 re-render,从而导致 child 中的上下文具有初始值的组件直到下一个 re-render.

有没有办法在上下文提供程序中更新状态后强制更新 child 和 re-render?


const UserLocationContext = React.createContext()

export const useUserLocation = () => {
    return useContext(UserLocationContext)

export const UserLocationProvider = ({ children }) => {
    const [ipUserLocation, setIpUserLocation] = useState(null)

    const updateIpUserLocation = (ipUserLocation) => {
        console.log(ipUserLocation) //value is updated here immediately after the updateIpUserLocation call
    return (
        <UserLocationContext.Provider value = {{ipUserLocation, updateIpUserLocation}}>


export default UserLocationProvider


const LocationHandler = () => {
    const {ipUserLocation, updateIpUserLocation} = useUserLocation()
    useEffect(() => {
    const ip_url = ``
    const fetchIPLocation = async () => { 
        const result = await fetch(ip_url);
        const json = await result.json();
        updateIpUserLocation([json.latitude, json.longitude])
        console.log(ipUserLocation) //value here remains null until next re-render

    }, []);}

问题是 useState 是异步的,因此 ipUserLocation 值不会在 setIpUserLocation 被调用后立即更新。

对于修复,您可以将 ipUserLocation 添加为 useEffect 的依赖项,这将帮助您收听 ipUserLocationLocationHandler 上的所有更改。

const LocationHandler = () => {
    const {ipUserLocation, updateIpUserLocation} = useUserLocation()
    useEffect(() => {
    const ip_url = ``
    const fetchIPLocation = async () => { 
        const result = await fetch(ip_url);
        const json = await result.json();
        updateIpUserLocation([json.latitude, json.longitude])

    }, []);}

    //add another `useEffect` with `ipUserLocation` in dependencies
    useEffect(() => {
       //TODO: You can do something with updated `ipUserLocation` here
    }, [ipUserLocation])

    return ...

实际上,当您更新上下文状态时,child 组件会得到 re-rendered。发生这种情况是因为您正在使用 useContext 挂钩来监听对上下文所做的任何更改。你可以做些什么来向自己证明 child 得到 re-rendered 是在 child 组件中添加这个:

useEffect(() => {
}, [ipUserLocation])

有了这个 useEffect,console.log 将 运行 每次 child 得到 re-rendered 和 ipUserLocation 已更改。
