
form control getting value as an array of objects


如何使用 formcontrol 将问题 ID 和答案作为对象数组获取,在下面的预期输出中具有相同的结构。

对象的答案是每个文本区域字段的答案,qid 是问题的 qid。任何想法将不胜感激。谢谢。


     <form *ngIf="modelForm" [formGroup]="modelForm">
        <div *ngFor="let q of questions;let i = index;" >
            <div class="confirm-detail-two">
                <div class="p-label">{{q.question}}</div>
            <mat-form-field appearance="fill" class="details-field-container" style="padding-bottom:10px;">
                <textarea class="details-textarea" formControlName="questionAnswer" matInput matInput></textarea>


  const questions = [
        "qid": 1,
        "question": "What is my name ?"
        "qid": 10,
        "question": "Where do I live?"


 ngOnInit(): void {       
    this.modelForm = this._createModelForm();

  private _createModelForm(): FormGroup {
    return this.formBuilder.group({
      questions:[this.model.questions || []],
      questionAnswer:[this.model.questionAnswer || []],

#expected output - this.modelform.value ,这应该是用户向每个对象添加答案后的数据结构 field.The 来自对象的答案是来自每个文本区域字段的答案,qid 是来自问题的 qid。

     "questionAnswer": [{
        "qid" :1,
        "answer" :"Josh"
        "qid" :10,
        "anwer" :"New York"

#expected output - the this.modelform.value , this should be the data structure after the user add answer to each field.The answer from the object is the answer from each text area fields and the qid is the qid from the questions.

我认为在不涉及对象转换的情况下使用 FormBuilder 构建这样的答案模型是不可能的。


  1. questions转换为FormBuilder对象
  2. 将表单值转换为 questionAnswer
questions = [
      qid: 1,
      question: 'What is my name?',
      qid: 10,
      question: 'Where do I live?',

 * Created mapping qid to answer
private _createModelForm(): FormGroup {
    const idToAnswerMap = this.questions.reduce((acc, question) => {
      return {
        [question.qid]: '', // default answer is blank
    }, {});

    return this.formBuilder.group(idToAnswerMap);


{1: "answer 1", 10: "answer 2"}

// 1 is qid for question 1, 10 is qid for question 2, etc

据此,构造 questionAnswer

const formValues = this.modelForm.value;

const finalAnswer = {
  questionAnswer: Object.keys(formValues).map((qid) => ({
    qid: Number(qid),
    answer: formValues[qid],



  "questionAnswer": [
    { "qid": 1, "answer": "answer 1" },
    { "qid": 10, "answer": "answer 2" }

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