无法将具有复合键的对象添加到 IndexedDB objectStore。密钥已存在于对象存储中。当只有一个条目相同时

Cannot add object with composite key to IndexedDB objectStore. Key already exists in the object store. When only one entry is the same

我有一个带有以下键的 objectStore

当我添加具有相同productId但不同shopName的对象时,事务报告错误:ConstraintError: Key already exists in the object store.。 这就是我创建 objectStore:

openRequest.onupgradeneeded = e => {
    // @ts-ignore
    db = e.target.result;
    const objectStore = db.createObjectStore('cart', {keyPath: ['productId', 'shopName']})
    console.log('Db set up')


    function addProduct(product: CartProduct) {
        const pk = {productId: product.productId, shopName: product.shopName}

        const {transaction, objectStore, cursorRequest} = getIndexedDbTriplet();

        cursorRequest.onsuccess = e => {
            // @ts-ignore
            const cursor = e.target.result
            if (cursor) {
                if (cursor.primaryKey[0] === pk.productId && cursor.primaryKey[1] === pk.shopName) {
                    // @ts-ignore
                    console.log(`Found ${JSON.stringify(pk)} in db and updated`)
            transaction.oncomplete = () => console.log(`Added ${JSON.stringify(pk)} to db`)

        // @ts-ignore
        transaction.onerror = e => console.log(`Transaction to add product failed: ${JSON.stringify(pk)} ${e.target.error}`)
export class CartProduct {
    readonly productId: number
    readonly name: string
    readonly price: number
    readonly shopName: string
    readonly imageUri: string
    readonly weight: number
    readonly count = 1

    constructor(productId: number, name: string, price: number, shopName: string, imageUri: string, weight: number) {
        this.productId = productId
        this.name = name
        this.price = price
        this.shopName = shopName
        this.imageUri = imageUri
        this.weight = weight
export function getIndexedDbTriplet() {
    const transaction = db.transaction('cart', 'readwrite')
    const objectStore = transaction.objectStore('cart')
    const cursorRequest = objectStore.openCursor()
    return {transaction, objectStore, cursorRequest};


put 函数调用替换 add 解决了问题。