如何在 C 中的 malloc 中启动多个字符串

How do I initiate multiple strings in malloc in C

我正在尝试学习 C,我有一个使用 malloc 和 struct 的任务,我让它打印出队列号,但字符串不会打印。我附上了印刷品的图片,但只有在 strcpy 被注释掉时才有效,我无法理解。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

struct car
    int queue;
    char *Regnr;
    char *Manufactor;
    char *WashType;
    char *CarId;
    struct car *next;

typedef struct car CarWash;

/* print the list out from ... */
void printlist (CarWash * head)
    CarWash *temp = head;

    while (temp != NULL)
        printf ("%d\t\t %s\t\t %s\t\t %s\t \n", temp->queue, temp->Regnr,
                temp->Manufactor, temp->WashType);
        temp = temp->next;
    printf ("\n");

CarWash *create_new_queue(int val,char CarId)
CarWash *result = malloc (sizeof (CarWash));
char strcpy(char Regnr, char CarId);
result->Regnr = CarId;
result->queue = val;

result->next = NULL;
return result;


main ()
  int queue;
  char Regnr[10];
  char Manufactor[10];
  char WashType[10];
  char CarId[10];

  CarWash *head;
  CarWash *tempB;

  FILE *fp;
  fp = fopen ("Car wash.txt", "r");
  fscanf (fp, "%d%s%s%s", &queue, Regnr, Manufactor, WashType);
  fclose (fp);

  printf (" \n");       //voodoo to show my printlist

  tempB = create_new_queue (queue, Regnr);
  head = tempB;

  printf ("%s\t %s\t\t %s\t %s\n", "kø plads", "Regnr", "Manufactor",
      "vaske type");

  printlist (head);
  return 0;





struct car
    int queue;
    char Regnr[10];       // don't declare pointers but arrays
    char Manufactor[10];
    char WashType[10];
    char CarId[10];
    struct car *next;

以及更正后的 create_new_queue 函数:

CarWash* create_new_queue(int val, char *CarId)  // add the *, CarId is not a char
  CarWash* result = malloc(sizeof(CarWash));
  strcpy(result->Regnr, CarId);   // actually call strcpy
  result->queue = val;
  result->next = NULL;
  return result;
