
Packing problem : Fit cuboids into a larger cuboid with constraints

我有一个代表掩码的 3D numpy 数组。这个掩码的“1”元素是没有进行计算的区域(下图中的蓝色区域)。掩码的“0”元素是要进行计算的区域。

每个计算都必须在最小边的长方体块上实现 Nmin。所以我试图找到长方体的最佳分布来填充这个掩码的“0”区域。


及其 3D 表示:

mask = np.load('mask.npy')

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')

是一个packing problem。目标是将各种长方体打包成一个更大的具有一些约束的长方体(蓝色区域)。有很多可能的组合。


我已经在 2D 中做过这种事情(参见 fdgrid),但我被困在这个 3D 问题上。如何找到“0”的最大块(长方体)?

编辑 1:

我有一个草稿解决方案,对于这个 50x50x50 网格来说有点残酷而且非常慢。

import time

def cuboid_list(mask, Nmin=3):
    """ List of all cuboids than could fit in the domain. 
        List is formated as (volume, (Lx, Ly, Lz)). """
    size = mask[mask==0].size
    cuboids = [( i*j*k, (i, j, k)) for i, j, k in itertools.product(range(Nmin, nx), range(Nmin, ny), range(Nmin, nz)) if i*j*k <= size]
    return cuboids

def search_biggest(mask, cuboids):
    """Search biggest cuboid. """

    t0 = time.perf_counter()
    tested = 0
    origin, size = None, None
    for _, (Lx, Ly, Lz) in cuboids:
        for o in itertools.product(range(nx-Lx), range(ny-Ly), range(nz-Lz)):
            tested += 1
            if (mask[o[0]:o[0]+Lx, o[1]:o[1]+Ly, o[2]:o[2]+Lz] == 0).all():
                origin, size = o, (Lx, Ly, Lz)
        if origin:
            print(f'{tested} configurations tested in {time.perf_counter() - t0:.3f} s.')
    return origin, size

# Load mask
mask = np.load('mask.npy')

# List of all cuboids
cuboids = cuboid_list(mask)

# Search biggest
sub = search_biggest(mask, cuboids)

在这种特殊情况下,这导致在 164.984 秒内测试了 2795610 个配置!最大的长方体有origin=(16, 16, 0)size=(33, 33, 49).

为了使算法适用于更大的几何图形(例如 1024x1024x512 网格),我需要加快这个过程。

编辑 2:

def search_biggest(mask, cuboids):
    """Search biggest cuboid. """
    # List of nonzero indexes
    forbid = set([tuple(i) for i in np.argwhere(mask != 0)])

    t0 = time.perf_counter()
    tested = 0
    origin, size = None, None
    for _, (Lx, Ly, Lz) in cuboids:
        # remove cuboid with origin in another cuboid and iterate
        for o in set(itertools.product(range(nx-Lx), range(ny-Ly), range(nz-Lz))).difference(forbid):
            tested += 1
            if (mask[o[0]:o[0]+Lx, o[1]:o[1]+Ly, o[2]:o[2]+Lz] == 0).all():
                origin, size = o, (Lx, Ly, Lz)
        if origin:
            print(f'{tested} configurations tested in {time.perf_counter() - t0:.3f} s.')
    return origin, size

减少可能性导致在 ~2.6 秒内测试 32806 个配置。


编辑 3:

def search_biggest(mask, cuboids):
    """Search biggest cuboid. """
    # List of nonzero indexes
    forbid = set([tuple(i) for i in np.argwhere(mask != 0)])

    t0 = time.perf_counter()
    tested = 0
    origin, size = None, None
    for _, (Lx, Ly, Lz) in cuboids:
        tested += 1
        tmp = [i for i in itertools.product(range(nx-Lx), range(ny-Ly), range(nz-Lz)) if i not in forbid]
        tmp = [i for i in tmp if 
               all(x not in forbid for x in itertools.product(range(i[0], i[0]+Lx), range(i[1], i[1]+Ly), range(i[2], i[2]+Lz)))]

        if tmp:
            origin, size = tmp[0], (Lx, Ly, Lz)
            print(f'{tested} configurations tested in {time.perf_counter() - t0:.3f} s.')
    return origin, size

简单胜于复杂! search_biggest 的替代实施导致在 1.017 秒内测试了 5991 个配置。 !

也许,我可以减少长方体列表来加快速度,但我认为这不是可行的方法。我尝试使用 500x500x500 网格并在一小时后停止脚本,但没有结果...



鉴于约束是长方体,我们可以通过跳过没有任何变化的 rows/columns/layers 来简化可能性检查。例如,二维蒙版可能看起来像这样,冗余 rows/columns 标记为:

   v v



我们只需要跟踪每个减少的单元格的真实长度,并用它来计算真实体积。 然而,这意味着我们需要采用不同的方法来寻找最大的长方体;我们不能(轻松地)pre-generate 全部并按音量顺序尝试,因为真实大小因我们测试的点而异。 下面的代码只是尝试所有可能的长方体并跟踪最大的长方体,而且看起来速度很快。

原始代码中还有一些off-by-one错误,我已避免或修复:range(Nmin, nx) -> range(Nmin, nx+1) in cuboid_list(),以及range(nx-Lx) -> range(nx-Lx+1)search_biggest()。最大的长方体居然有size=(34, 34, 50).

import itertools
import time
import numpy as np

class ReducedSolver:
    def __init__(self, mask):
        self.splits = tuple(
                # find the edges of the constraint regions in each axis
                [0, mask.shape[ax], *np.where(np.diff(mask, axis=ax, prepend=0))[ax]]
            for ax in range(3)

        # extract exactly one value (the lowest corner) for each reduced region
        self.mask = np.zeros([len(split) - 1 for split in self.splits], dtype=mask.dtype)
        for i, x in enumerate(self.splits[0][:-1]):
            for j, y in enumerate(self.splits[1][:-1]):
                for k, z in enumerate(self.splits[2][:-1]):
                    self.mask[i, j, k] = mask[x, y, z]
        # less readable:
        # self.mask = mask[np.ix_(self.splits[0][:-1], self.splits[1][:-1], self.splits[2][:-1])]

        # true sizes of each region
        self.sizes = [np.diff(split) for split in self.splits]

    def solve(self):
        """Return list of cuboids in the format (origin, size), using a greedy approach."""
        nx, ny, nz = self.mask.shape
        mask = self.mask.copy()

        result = []
        while np.any(mask == 0):
            t0 = time.perf_counter()
            tested = 0
            max_volume = 0
            # first corner of the cuboid
            for x1, y1, z1 in itertools.product(range(nx), range(ny), range(nz)):
                if mask[x1, y1, z1]:
                # opposite corner of the cuboid
                for x2, y2, z2 in itertools.product(range(x1, nx), range(y1, ny), range(z1, nz)):
                    tested += 1
                    # slices are exclusive on the the end point
                    slc = (slice(x1, x2 + 1), slice(y1, y2 + 1), slice(z1, z2 + 1))
                    # np.any doesn't short-circuit
                    if any(np.nditer(mask[slc])):
                    true_size = tuple(np.sum(size[s]) for size, s in zip(self.sizes, slc))
                    volume = np.prod(true_size)
                    if volume > max_volume:
                        max_volume = volume
                        origin = (
                        # keep track of the region in the reduced mask with `slc`
                        biggest = ((origin, true_size), slc)
            print(f"{tested} configurations tested in {(time.perf_counter() - t0)*1000:.2f} ms.")
            # mark this cuboid as filled
            mask[biggest[1]] = 1
        return result

# Load mask
mask = np.load("mask.npy")

# Solve on the simplified grid
reduced = ReducedSolver(mask)
sol = reduced.solve()

在我的机器上,使用 search_biggest() 在示例掩码上找到最大的长方体需要大约 1 秒,但使用我的代码需要大约 4 毫秒,而整个求解 16 个长方体需要大约 20 毫秒。