使用 Javascript 根据 HTML table 的选定行动态计算每一列的总数

Dynamically calculating total for each column based on selected rows for HTML table using Javascript

根据图片,我正在尝试计算所选行 a 和 c 的每列的总数。如果我从函数 calculateCols 中解包代码,该代码就可以工作。是否可以使其在包装函数中工作。我希望能够选择行的变体来对每一列求和,而无需复制和粘贴代码并为每一列编辑多次。

function calculateCols(ID, calculate) {
  var final = 0
  var tbody = document.querySelector('tbody');
  var howManyCols = tbody.rows[0].cells.length;
  var totalRow = document.getElementById(ID);

  for (var j = 1; j < howManyCols; j++) {
    final = calculate;
    const check = document.createElement('td');
    check.innerText = final;

  function getRow(rowID) {

    var result = 0;

    try {
      var check = document.getElementById(rowID)
      var thisNumber = parseInt(check.cells[j].childNodes.item(0).data);

      if (!isNaN(thisNumber))
        result += thisNumber;

    } finally {
      return result;


calculateCols('total', getRow('a') + getRow('c'));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

        <th scope="col">2013</th>
        <th scope="col">2014</th>
        <th scope="col">2015</th>
        <th scope="col">2016</th>
      <tr id="a">
        <th scope="row">a</th>
      <tr id="b">
        <th scope="row">b</th>
      <tr id="c">
        <th scope="row">c</th>
      <tr id="d">
        <th scope="row">d</th>

      <tr id="total">
        <th scope="row" id="Total">Total a + c</th>

  <script src="checkit.js"></script>




function rpn(inps, D, i) { // Reverse Polish Notation calculator
  const st = [];
  inps.split(/\s+/).forEach(t => {
    let k = st.length - 2; // index of penultimate element on stack
    if (!isNaN(t)) st.push(+t);
    else switch (t) {
      case "+": st[k] += st.pop(); break;
      case "-": st[k] -= st.pop(); break;
      case "*": st[k] *= st.pop(); break;
      case "/": st[k] /= st.pop(); break;
      case "**": st[k] = st[k] ** st.pop(); break;
      default: st.push(+D[t][i]) // treat current value t as a "variable name" --> D[t][i]
  return st.pop()
// sample use (Pythagoras's theorem): rpn("3 2 ** 4 2 ** + .5 **") // = 5

// get all table data into D first:
  const D = [...document.querySelectorAll("tr[id]")].reduce((da, tr) => {
      da[tr.id] = [...tr.children].slice(1).map(td => +td.textContent);
      return da;
    }, {});
  document.querySelectorAll("tr[data-eqn]").forEach(tr =>
      td.textContent=rpn(tr.dataset.eqn, D, k).toFixed(4).replace(/\.?0*$/,"")));
td,th {text-align: right; padding:4px}
td    {border:1px solid grey}
table {border-collapse:collapse}
<table id="tbl">
      <th scope="col">2013</th>
      <th scope="col">2014</th>
      <th scope="col">2015</th>
      <th scope="col">2016</th>
    <tr id="a">
      <th scope="row">a</th>
    <tr id="b">
      <th scope="row">b</th>
    <tr data-eqn="a 2 ** b 2 ** + .5 **">
      <th scope="row">sqrt(a²+b²)</th>
    <tr id="c">
      <th scope="row">c</th>
    <tr id="d">
      <th scope="row">d</th>
    <tr data-eqn="2 a * d + c -">
      <th scope="row">2a + d - c</th>
    <tr data-eqn="a b - a b + / c *">
      <th scope="row">(a - b) / (a + b) * c</th>
    <tr data-eqn="b c /">
      <th scope="row">b/c</th>
    <tr data-eqn="a b +">
      <th scope="row">a + b</th>
    <tr data-eqn="c b +">
      <th scope="row">c + b</th>

我再次完全改变了我的答案:操作的中心部分现在是一个 RPN 计算器(函数 rpn()),它遍历所有如此确定的结果中由 data-eqn 属性提供的指令字符串- <tr>s.

在开始计算之前,我将所有提供的 table 数据收集到一个全局对象 D 中。所有具有 id 属性的 tr 将它们的 td.textContent 贡献给一个向量,该向量变为 属性 D[id]D 最终成为数组对象。

[[ 目前结果限制为 3 位数。这可以通过再次删除 .toFixed(3) 轻松关闭。 ]]



let results = {a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0};
rows = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
  document.querySelectorAll('#'+rows[i]+' td').forEach(
    function(elem) {
      results[rows[i]] += Number(elem.textContent)
for (let i=0;i<rows.length;i++) {
  let result = document.createElement('td');
  result.textContent = results[rows[i]];
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
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  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

        <th scope="col">2013</th>
        <th scope="col">2014</th>
        <th scope="col">2015</th>
        <th scope="col">2016</th>
      <tr id="a">
        <th scope="row">a</th>
      <tr id="b">
        <th scope="row">b</th>
      <tr id="c">
        <th scope="row">c</th>
      <tr id="d">
        <th scope="row">d</th>

      <tr id="total">
        <th scope="row" id="Total">Total</th>

  <script src="checkit.js"></script>



如果您只想获取 ac 行的数量,请设置列表 rows ['a','c']

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

        <th scope="col">2013</th>
        <th scope="col">2014</th>
        <th scope="col">2015</th>
        <th scope="col">2016</th>
      <tr id="a">
        <th scope="row">a</th>
      <tr id="b">
        <th scope="row">b</th>
      <tr id="c">
        <th scope="row">c</th>
      <tr id="d">
        <th scope="row">d</th>

      <tr id="total">
        <th scope="row" id="Total"></th>
    function toIntOrZero(value) {
      let toInt = parseInt(value);
      return !isNaN(toInt) ? toInt : 0;

    function getRowValues(rowID) {
      let children = document.getElementById(rowID).children;
      let values = [];
      for (let i = 1; i < children.length; i++) {
      return values;

    function getRows(rowIds) {
      return rowIds.map(id => getRowValues(id));

    function calculateColSums(array) {
      return array.reduce(function (r, a) {
        a.forEach(function (b, i) {
          r[i] = (r[i] || 0) + b;
        return r;
      }, []);

    function appendResults(results, rowIds) {
      document.getElementById('Total').innerHTML = 'Total of ' + rowIds.join();
      var tableTotalRow = document.querySelector('tbody > #total');
      var totalColumns = document.querySelector('tbody').rows[0].cells.length;
      for (var j = 1; j < totalColumns; j++) {
        const colSum = document.createElement('td');
        colSum.innerText = results[j - 1];

    function calculateSumOfSelectedRows(rowIds) {
      appendResults(calculateColSums(getRows(rowIds)), rowIds);

    calculateSumOfSelectedRows(['b', 'd']);