
maximum recursion depth with files management



我在调用 Python 对象时超出了最大递归深度。

import os
from pathlib import Path

def getPath (folder) :

    fpath = Path(folder).absolute()
    return fpath

def isSubdirectory (folder) :

    if folder.endswith(".txt") == False :
        return True
    else :
        return False
def searchEngine (folder, word) :
    path = getPath(folder)
    occurences = {}
    list = os.listdir (path)     #get a list of the folders/files in this path

    #assuming we only have .txt files and subdirectories in our folder :

    for k in list :

        if isSubdirectory(k) == False :
            #break case
            with open (k) as file :                  
                lines = file.readlines()

                for a in lines :

                    if a == word :
                        if str(file) not in occurences :
                            occurences[str(file)] = 1
                        else :
                            occurences[str(file)] += 1
            return occurences
        else :

            return searchEngine (k, word)


  • 当 运行 你的代码时,我无法重建递归错误。但我认为你在这里有问题:list = os.listdir(path) - 这只给你 relative file/pathnames,但下面需要 absolute 那些(例如 open)一旦你在 cwd?
  • 之外
  • 我认为 return 语句放错了地方:它 returns 在 first txt-file?
  • 之后
  • Python 为递归遍历路径提供了现成的解决方案:os.walk(), glob.glob() and Path.rglob():你为什么不使用它们?
  • Path.absolute() 没有记录,我不会使用它。您可以改用 Path.resolve() 吗?
  • 您在递归步骤中对返回的 occurences 不做任何操作:我认为您应该在检索后更新主词典?
  • 不要使用 list 作为变量名 - 您正在覆盖对 built-in list().
  • 的访问

这是 Path.rglob() 的建议:

from pathlib import Path

def searchEngine(folder, word):
    occurences = {}
    for file in Path(folder).rglob('*.txt'):
        key = str(file)
        with file.open('rt') as stream:
            for line in stream:
                count = line.count(word)
                if count:
                    if key not in occurences:
                        occurences[key] = count
                        occurences[key] += count
    return occurences


def searchEngine(folder, word) : 
    base = Path(folder)
    occurences = {}
    if base.is_dir():
        for path in base.iterdir():
            occurences.update(searchEngine(path, word))
    elif base.suffix == '.txt':
        with base.open('rt') as stream:
            key = str(base)
            for line in stream:
                count = line.count(word)
                if count:
                    if key not in occurences:
                        occurences[key] = count
                        occurences[key] += count            
    return occurences