update_repo_cache: true 什么都不做

update_repo_cache: true not doing anything

我有以下 ansible 任务,这些任务应该安装 cert-manager 以使用 helm 对​​ kubernetes 集群执行 github 操作。

- name: Add cert-manager repo
    name: cert-manager
    repo_url: "https://charts.jetstack.io"

- name: Install cert-manager
    update_repo_cache: true
    release_name: cert-manager
    release_namespace: cert-manager
    name: cert-manager
    namespace: cert-manager
    create_namespace: true
    chart_version: "{{cert_manager_version}}"
    chart_ref: stable/cert-manager
        enabled: false
      installCRDs: true

但是,update_repo_cache:true 似乎没有做任何事情,因为我从它得到以下输出。

TASK [github-actions : Add cert-manager repo] **********************************
ok: [server3]
[WARNING]: Module did not set no_log for pass_credentials

TASK [github-actions : Install cert-manager] ***********************************
[WARNING]: Both option release_name and its alias name are set.
[WARNING]: Both option release_namespace and its alias namespace are set.
fatal: [server3]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "command": "/usr/local/bin/helm --version=1.8.0 show chart stable/cert-manager", "msg": "Failure when executing Helm command. Exited 1.\nstdout: \nstderr: Error: failed to download \"stable/cert-manager\" at version \"1.8.0\" (hint: running `helm repo update` may help)\n", "stderr": "Error: failed to download \"stable/cert-manager\" at version \"1.8.0\" (hint: running `helm repo update` may help)\n", "stderr_lines": ["Error: failed to download \"stable/cert-manager\" at version \"1.8.0\" (hint: running `helm repo update` may help)"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

Kubernetes 集群和 helm 都在工作,因为已经有很多其他东西使用 helm 部署了。我错过了什么吗?或者这是一个错误?

您在 chart_ref 中引用了错误的存储库,其格式应为 <repository_name>/<chart_name>.

由于您在第一个任务中将 Jetstack 的存储库添加为 cert-manager,因此您应该改用 chart_ref: cert-manager/cert-manager