计算Map中每个类别的产品总和 - Java

Calculate the product total sum of each category in Map - Java



那是我的 class:

public class ProductCategories {
        private String categoryName;
        private int productId;
        private double price;

        public ProductCategories(String categoryName, int productId, double price) {
            this.categoryName = categoryName;
            this.productId = productId;
            this.price = price;

        public String getCategoryName() {
            return categoryName;

        public int getProductId() {
            return productId;

        public double getPrice() {
        return price;

        public void setCategoryName(String categoryName) {
            this.categoryName = categoryName;

        public void setProductId(int productId) {
            this.productId = productId;

        public void setProductId(double price) {
        this.price = price;

        public String toString() {
            return "ProductCategories{" + "Category name='" + categoryName + '\'' + ", productID=" + productId + ", price='" + price + '\'' + '}';

        private static Map<String, Integer> productIdToNameMap(List<ProductCategories> categoryList) {
            return categoryList.stream()
                    .collect(Collectors.toMap(ProductCategories::getCategoryName, ProductCategories::getProductId, (first, second) -> first + second, TreeMap::new

        private static Map<String, List<ProductCategories>> multiValueMap(List<ProductCategories> categoryList) {
            return categoryList.stream()

        public static void main(String[] args) {
            List<ProductCategories> categoryList = new ArrayList<>();
            categoryList.add(new ProductCategories("The Fellowship of the Ring", 1954, 12));
            categoryList.add(new ProductCategories("The Return of the King", 1954, 12));
            categoryList.add(new ProductCategories("The Return of the King", 1955, 12));



{The Return of the King=[ProductCategories{Category name='The Return of the King', productID=1954, price='12.0'}, ProductCategories{Category name='The Return of the King', productID=1955, price='12.0'}], The Fellowship of the Ring=[ProductCategories{Category name='The Fellowship of the Ring', productID=1954, price='12.0'}]}



您可以通过简单地应用下游收集器来为各个类别创建总和,例如 Collectors.summingDouble:

private static Map<String, Double> multiValueMap(List<ProductCategories> categoryList) {
    return categoryList.stream()

I am trying to calculate the total sum value of products for each CategoryName, then get the category where the total sum is the greatest, and display this sum.


您可以将收集器 Collectors.groupingByCollectors.summingDouble 的组合用作下游,或者通过 Collectors.toMap 提供 合并函数 作为这个收集器的第三个参数。


如果您同时需要最高总价和类别名称,则需要在条目集上创建一个流并查看具有最大值的条目,提供 Map.Entry.comparingByValue() 作为比较器。

    private static Map.Entry<String, Double> getMaxByCategoryName(List<ProductCategories> categoryList) {
        return categoryList.stream()
            .orElse(Map.entry("no data evalable", 0d));