获取失败 - Cors 错误 - 获取授权时 Header - 邮递员工作正常

Failed to Fetch - Cors Error - When Fetching with Authorization Header - On Postman working OK



如果我在 POSTMAN 上使用 Auth Basic Authorization我得到数据,但是当我在我的代码上尝试它时,它在浏览器上运行,我在控制台上得到“TypeError:无法获取”,在网络上我得到这个状态“CORS 错误” .


        headers: {
          Authorization: 'Basic ' + base64.encode(userName + ':' + password)
        withCredentials: true
      .then((el) => el.json())
      .then((el) => console.log(el))
      .catch((err) => console.log(err))
      .finally((el) => {

如果我在没有 headers 的情况下调用 ,我会收到此错误:

    "requestId": "807bd27d2b28962b9d2834458e926499",
    "service": "prod-infra-api-dispatcher",
    "version": "0.0.1883",
    "description": "Acoustic Content, API Dispatcher Component",
    "errors": [
            "name": "AccessControlError",
            "message": "The user 'undefined' tried to perform GET /content/views/by-type with tenant 'f8d92c5b-2ec6-46ee-8e22-cd2d9a556473'. Access to the service was denied because the user roles 'anonymous' do not match the accepted roles 'admin,manager,editor,viewer'. Verify that the user has the correct role assigned.",
            "locale": "en",
            "parameters": {
                "statusCode": 403,
                "method": "GET",
                "path": "/content/views/by-type",
                "roles": [
                "requiredRoles": [
                "timestamp": 1650811022658
            "timestamp": "Sun, 24 Apr 2022 14:37:02 GMT"
    "timestamp": "Sun, 24 Apr 2022 14:37:02 GMT",
    "message": "The user 'undefined' tried to perform GET /content/views/by-type with tenant 'f8d92c5b-2ec6-46ee-8e22-cd2d9a556473'. Access to the service was denied because the user roles 'anonymous' do not match the accepted roles 'admin,manager,editor,viewer'. Verify that the user has the correct role assigned."


仅当前面的预检请求成功时,浏览器才会使用 Authorization header 发出 cross-origin GET 请求。但是你可以试试 curl:

>curl -I -X OPTIONS -H "Access-Control-Request-Headers:Authorization"
 -H "Origin:http://localhost"

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: accept,accept-language,content-language,pragma,cache-control,x-xsrf-token,x-acoustic-region,x-acoustic-auth-source,x-ibm-dx-tenant-id,x-cms-user-auth,x-ibm-dx-user-auth
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: cache-control,content-language,content-type,expires,last-modified,pragma,x-ibm-dx-request-id,x-response-time

Authorization header 不在允许的 header 列表中。换句话说:该服务不允许 cross-origin 请求中的基本身份验证。

如果您不能影响 content-cms.com 上的后端,使 Authorization 成为允许的 header,唯一的选择是通过您自己的后端服务器传送请求。或者你在编程“server-less”?