使用 TM4C123 上的 SPI 驱动显示

Using SPI on TM4C123 to drive display

我在 tiva-c-launchpad (tm4c123) 上使用嵌入式 Rust,我连接了一个 SSD1309 OLED 显示器,我试图使用 SPI 驱动它。

我用的板条箱是tm4c123x_hal and the ssd1309。 我的尝试基于 this example.

我 运行 遇到一个我不明白的问题,因为我缺乏嵌入式 Rust 的经验。


use core::fmt::Write;
use cortex_m_rt::entry;
use panic_halt as _;
use ssd1309::Builder; // you can put a breakpoint on `rust_begin_unwind` to catch panics
use tm4c123x_hal::{self as hal, prelude::*};

use display_interface_spi::SPIInterfaceNoCS;

fn main() -> ! {

    let p = hal::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
    let mut sc = p.SYSCTL.constrain();
    let mut porta = p.GPIO_PORTA.split(&sc.power_control);

    sc.clock_setup.oscillator = hal::sysctl::Oscillator::Main(
    let clocks = sc.clock_setup.freeze();

    let dc = porta.pa4.into_push_pull_output(); /* GPIO data/command select pin */
    let scl = porta.pa2.into_af_open_drain(&mut porta.control); // PA2 grau SCL (clock line)
    let miso = porta.pa3.into_floating_input();  // also tried     let miso = porta.pa3.into_af_open_drain(&mut porta.control);
    let mosi = porta.pa5.into_af_open_drain(&mut porta.control);  // PA5 lila (data line) MOSI?

    let mode = hal::spi::MODE_0;
    let freq = 400000_u32.hz();

    let pins = (scl, miso, mosi);

    let spi = hal::spi::Spi::spi0(
        mode, freq, &clocks, &sc.power_control


我 运行 关注的问题是:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `PA3<Input<Floating>>: MisoPin<tm4c123x_hal::tm4c123x::SSI0>` is not satisfied
   --> examples/tiva-c-launchpad/src/main.rs:35:43
35  |     let spi = hal::spi::Spi::spi0(p.SSI0, pins, mode, freq, &clocks, &sc.power_control);
    |               -------------------         ^^^^ the trait `MisoPin<tm4c123x_hal::tm4c123x::SSI0>` is not implemented for `PA3<Input<Floating>>`
    |               |
    |               required by a bound introduced by this call
note: required by a bound in `Spi::<tm4c123x_hal::tm4c123x::SSI0, (SCK, MISO, MOSI)>::spi0`
   --> /Users/mariuskriegerowski/src/rust/embedded-rust-example/tm4c-hal/tm4c123x-hal/src/spi.rs:221:1
221 | / hal! {
222 | |     SSI0: (Ssi0, spi0),
223 | |     SSI1: (Ssi1, spi1),
224 | |     SSI2: (Ssi2, spi2),
225 | |     SSI3: (Ssi3, spi3),
226 | | }
    | |_^ required by this bound in `Spi::<tm4c123x_hal::tm4c123x::SSI0, (SCK, MISO, MOSI)>::spi0`
    = note: this error originates in the macro `hal` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.

我无法理解如何解决这个问题。所以,我知道 MisoPin 需要在 PA3 上实现,但我的直觉告诉我我只是用错了。那么我做错了什么或者接下来要研究的是什么?

顺便说一句:我对嵌入式 Rust 比较陌生。因此,这是一个菜鸟问题的可能性很高:)

好的,我想我在此处找到了答案 re-reading 文档:https://docs.rs/tm4c123x-hal/latest/tm4c123x_hal/spi/trait.MisoPin.html

需要注意的是,在此 HAL 中,MisoPin 仅针对 4 个引脚实现,其中之一是 PA4


难以置信 措辞 问题有时如何帮助找到答案...
