获取 numpy 二维数组中的所有行索引,其中每行中的元素在整个数组中存在超过 2 次

Getting all row indices in numpy 2d array where elements in each row exists more than 2 times in entire array

我正在处理定义为二维边数组的图形数据。 即

[[1, 0],
 [2, 5],
 [1, 5],
 [3, 4],
 [1, 4]] 


现在回答这个问题, 我需要 select 所有 'nodes' 在列表中出现不止一次的边缘。 我如何快速做到这一点。目前我正在遍历每条边并单独查看节点。感觉这是一个非常糟糕的方法。


edges = []
for edge in graph:
   src, dst = edge[0], edge[1]
   # Check src for existance in col 1 & 2
   src_fan = np.count_nonzero(graph == src, axis=1).sum()
   dst_fan = np.count_nonzero(graph == dst, axis=1).sum()

   if(src_fan >= 2 and dst_fan >= 2):
     # Add to edges


# Obtain the unique nodes and their counts

from_nodes, from_counts = np.unique(a[:, 0], return_counts = True)
to_nodes, to_counts = np.unique(a[:, 1], return_counts = True)

# Obtain the duplicated nodes

dup_from_nodes = from_nodes[from_counts > 1]
dup_to_nodes = to_nodes[to_counts > 1]

# Obtain the edge whose nodes are duplicated

graph[np.in1d(a[:, 0], dup_from_nodes) & np.in1d(a[:, 1], dup_to_nodes)]
Out[297]: array([[1, 4]])

使用 networkx 的解决方案:

import networkx as nx

edges = [[1, 0],
 [2, 5],
 [1, 5],
 [3, 4],
 [1, 4]] 

G = nx.DiGraph()

print([node for node in G.nodes if G.degree[node]>1])


print([edge for edge in G.edges if (G.degree[edge[0]]>1) & (G.degree[edge[1]]>1)])
import numpy as np
graph = np.array([[1, 0],
 [2, 5],
 [1, 5],
 [3, 4],
 [1, 4]])

# get a 1d array of all nodes
array = graph.reshape(-1)

# get occurances of each element 
occurances = np.sum(np.equal(array, array[:,np.newaxis]), axis=0)

# reshape back to graph shape
occurances = occurances.reshape(graph.shape)

# check if both edges occur more than once
mask = np.all(occurances > 1, axis=1)

# select the masked elements
edges = graph[mask]

根据我的测试,这种方法比接受的答案快将近 2 倍。


import timeit
import numpy as np

graph = np.array([[1, 0],
    [2, 5],
    [1, 5],
    [3, 4],
    [1, 4]])

# accepted answer
def method1(a):
    # Obtain the unique nodes and their counts

    from_nodes, from_counts = np.unique(a[:, 0], return_counts = True)
    to_nodes, to_counts = np.unique(a[:, 1], return_counts = True)

    # Obtain the duplicated nodes

    dup_from_nodes = from_nodes[from_counts > 1]
    dup_to_nodes = to_nodes[to_counts > 1]

    # Obtain the edge whose nodes are duplicated

    return graph[np.in1d(a[:, 0], dup_from_nodes) & np.in1d(a[:, 1], dup_to_nodes)]

# this answer
def method2(graph):
    # get a 1d array of all nodes
    array = graph.reshape(-1)

    # get occurances of each element then reshape back to graph shape
    occurances = np.sum(np.equal(array, array[:,np.newaxis]), axis=0).reshape(graph.shape)

    # check if both edges occur more than once
    mask = np.all(occurances > 1, axis=1)

    # select the masked elements
    edges = graph[mask]

    return edges

print('method1 (accepted answer): ', timeit.timeit(lambda: method1(graph), number=10000))

print('method2 (this answer): ', timeit.timeit(lambda: method2(graph), number=10000))


method1 (accepted answer):  0.20238440000000013
method2 (this answer):  0.06534320000000005