.Net 6 Razor 视图在 Post 后未更新

.Net 6 Razor View Not Updating after Post

我正在将复杂模型传递给 Razor 视图。模型中的数据用于视图中的 for-each 循环,以在 bootstrap 卡片中显示待售产品列表。视图上没有表单。



我一直在阅读有关此问题的信息,我读到的一个论坛 post 建议这是设计使然。我在某处读到,为了实现我需要实现的目标,我必须清除模型状态。但是我无法清除模型状态,因为我没有将模型传回控制器,并且您只能通过重建要在 ajax 调用中传递的模型来将模型传回控制器。我昨天花了一整天时间试图让 ajax 工作,每次我执行 post 时,模型都填充在 JavaScript 函数中,并在控制器中为 null 或空。


<script type="text/javascript">

    function AddSubCategory(elem) {

        var e = document.querySelectorAll(".products");

        e.forEach(box => {

        var categoryId= $(elem).data('sub-id');

        console.log(`Id: ${categoryId}`);

        var request;
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {

            request = new XMLHttpRequest();

        if (request != null) {
            var url = `/Products/GetProductsByCategory?categoryId=${categoryId}`;
            request.open("POST", url, false);

            //request.onreadystatechange = function () {
            //  if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) {

            //  }


    //  model = JSON.stringify(model);

    //  console.log(model);

    //  $.ajax({
    //  type: "Post",
    //  url: '@Url.Action("GetProductsByCategory", "Products")',
    //  data: JSON.stringify({"categoryId": categoryId}),
    //  contentType: 'charset=utf-8;application/json',
    //  cache: false,
    //  complete: function (data) {
    //  }


// Load all products
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()

    string SubDomain = GetSubDomain(HttpContext);
    var allProducts = await _productService.GetAllProductsWithImagesAsync(SubDomain);

    var productCategoryLookup = await _productService.GetAllProductCategoryLookupAsync();

    ViewBag.host = SubDomain;
    ViewBag.productCategoryLookup = productCategoryLookup;

    return View("Index", allProducts);

//Load filtered list of products
public async Task<IActionResult> GetProductsByCategory(int categoryId = -1)

    string SubDomain = GetSubDomain(HttpContext);
    var allProducts = await _productService.GetAllProductsWithImagesAsync(SubDomain, categoryId);

    var productCategoryLookup = await _productService.GetAllProductCategoryLookupAsync();

    ViewBag.host = SubDomain;
    ViewBag.productCategoryLookup = productCategoryLookup;    
    return View("Index", allProducts);



//My index.cshtml razor view
<div class="col" id="product"></div>//partial view will be loaded onto this div

//Javascript function that gets the chosen filter category Id
@section Scripts
<script type="text/javascript">

    function AddSubCategory(elem) {
        //get the id
        var categoryId= $(elem).data('sub-id');

        console.log(`Id: ${categoryId}`);

        //call controller Products, controller action GetProductsByCategory and pass the categoryId
        //The partial view will be returned and load onto the div id #product


//when the index view first loads, load all products (i.e. category -1)     

public async Task<IActionResult> GetProductsByCategory(int categoryId = -1)

    string SubDomain = GetSubDomain(HttpContext);
    var allProducts = await _productService.GetAllProductsWithImagesAsync(SubDomain, categoryId);

    var productCategoryLookup = await _productService.GetAllProductCategoryLookupAsync();

    ViewBag.host = SubDomain;
    ViewBag.productCategoryLookup = productCategoryLookup;

//notice that I am using PartialView method
//Returning View was including the full website (i.e. header and footer).
//_Products is my partial view. allProducts is the 
//view model that is being passed to the partial view.
    return PartialView("_Products", allProducts);

现在,每次我 select 一个新类别时,都会重新加载局部视图。此外,首次加载视图时,所有产品都按预期显示。