Sum/Aggregate 2 个最小值,因此 total2 将 > 2

Sum/Aggregate the 2 least values so that total2 will be > 2

我有这个 table,如果 total2 <=2,我需要聚合 code1。 基本上将它 up/combine total 滚动到下一个值 least value 以便字段 total2 将是 >2 。我怎样才能在 t-sql 中做到这一点? 感谢您的任何帮助。我对此很困惑。


code1 code2 total1 total2
AAA1 123 9 3
AAA1 120 3 5
AAA1 124 4 2
AAA2 125 2 1
AAA2 126 3 2
AAA3 121 4 4
AAA5 119 1 1
AAA6 118 4 2
AAA6 117 2 5


code1 code2 total1 total2
AAA1 120 3 5
AAA1 123+124 13 5
AAA2 125+126 5 3
AAA3 121 4 4
AAA5 119 1 1
AAA6 118+117 6 7

首先需要根据total2确定最少的2行。您可以使用 row_number()

row_number() over(partition by code1 order by total2)

确定 grp 后,对其执行聚合(仅针对最少的 2 行 grp 2



code1 code2 total1 total2
AAA1 123 9 3
AAA1 120 3 5
AAA1 124 4 2
AAA2 125 2 1
AAA2 126 3 2
AAA3 121 4 4
AAA5 119 1 1
AAA6 118 4 2
AAA6 117 2 5
with cte as
    select    *, 
              grp = case when row_number() over(partition by code1 
                                                    order by total2) <= 2
                         then 2
                         else 1
       from   Test1
select code1,
       code2 = case when grp = 1 then max(code2)
                    else string_agg(code2, '+') within group (order by code2)
       total1 = case when grp = 1 then max(total1) else sum(total1) end,
       total2 = case when grp = 1 then max(total2) else sum(total2) end       
from   cte
group by code1, grp
order by code1, grp


code1 code2 total1 total2
AAA1 120 3 5
AAA1 123+124 13 5
AAA2 125+126 5 3
AAA3 121 4 4
AAA5 119 1 1
AAA6 117+118 6 7

fiddle<> demo