使用 winapi 从设备读取输入时遇到问题

Having trouble using winapi to read input from a device

我按照步骤 here 尝试从设备读取一些输入。我已经尝试了几个小时来弄清楚为什么 GetMessage 没有 return 任何东西。最初我试图从某个设备读取,但看到它不起作用,我只想尝试读取键盘或鼠标输入。但是,我没有运气这样做。

编辑:更多信息。我在 Windows 10。我在 运行 cmder 中的代码(不确定这是否有任何区别)与 python main.py。在程序等待接收来自 GetMessage.

的消息之前,没有错误消息并且输出为 Successfully registered input device!

这是 运行 代码:


from ctypes import windll, sizeof, WinDLL, pointer, c_uint, create_string_buffer, POINTER
from ctypes.wintypes import *
from structures import *
from constants import *  # I put a comment specifying the value for each variable used from here

k32 = WinDLL('kernel32')
GetRawInputDeviceInfo = windll.user32.GetRawInputDeviceInfoA
GetRawInputDeviceInfo.argtypes = HANDLE, UINT, LPVOID, PUINT
RegisterRawInputDevices = windll.user32.RegisterRawInputDevices
RegisterRawInputDevices.argtypes = (RawInputDevice * 7), UINT, UINT
GetMessage = windll.user32.GetMessageA
GetMessage.argtypes = POINTER(Message), HWND, UINT, UINT

def print_error(code=None):
    print(f"Error code {k32.GetLastError() if code is None else code}")

def register_devices(hwnd_target=None):
    # Here I added all usages just to try and get any kind of response from GetMessage
    page = 0x01
    # DW_FLAGS is 0
    devices = (RawInputDevice * 7)(
        RawInputDevice(page, 0x01, DW_FLAGS, hwnd_target),
        RawInputDevice(page, 0x02, DW_FLAGS, hwnd_target),
        RawInputDevice(page, 0x04, DW_FLAGS, hwnd_target),
        RawInputDevice(page, 0x05, DW_FLAGS, hwnd_target),
        RawInputDevice(page, 0x06, DW_FLAGS, hwnd_target),
        RawInputDevice(page, 0x07, DW_FLAGS, hwnd_target),
        RawInputDevice(page, 0x08, DW_FLAGS, hwnd_target),
    if not RegisterRawInputDevices(devices, len(devices), sizeof(devices[0])):
        print("Successfully registered input device!")

def get_message(h_wnd=None):
    msg = pointer(Message())
    # WM_INPUT is 0
    return_value = GetMessage(msg, h_wnd, WM_INPUT, WM_INPUT)
    if return_value == -1:
    elif return_value == 0:
        print("WM_QUIT message received.")
        print("Successfully got message!")
        return msg



from ctypes import Structure
from ctypes.wintypes import *

class RawInputDevice(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("usUsagePage", USHORT),
        ("usUsage", USHORT),
        ("dwFlags", DWORD),
        ("hwndTarget", HWND),

class Message(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("hwnd", HWND),
        ("message", UINT),
        ("wParam", WPARAM),
        ("lParam", LPARAM),
        ("time", DWORD),
        ("pt", POINT),
        ("lPrivate", DWORD)

如果有人能帮助我找出问题所在,我将不胜感激,或者如果有人能指出从 Windows 上的 HID 设备读取输入的替代方法,我也很好。

GetMessage 用于消息泵,请参阅 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-getmessage。我不知道你应该使用什么,但 GetMessage 绝对不适合这种用途。




import ctypes as ct
import ctypes.wintypes as wt

HCURSOR = ct.c_void_p
LRESULT = ct.c_ssize_t

wndproc_args = (wt.HWND, wt.UINT, wt.WPARAM, wt.LPARAM)

WNDPROC = ct.CFUNCTYPE(LRESULT, *wndproc_args)

kernel32 = ct.WinDLL("Kernel32")
user32 = ct.WinDLL("User32")

def structure_to_string_method(self):
    ret = [f"{self.__class__.__name__} (size: {ct.sizeof(self.__class__)}) instance at 0x{id(self):016X}:"]
    for fn, _ in self._fields_:
        ret.append(f"  {fn}: {getattr(self, fn)}")
    return "\n".join(ret) + "\n"

union_to_string_method = structure_to_string_method

class Struct(ct.Structure):
    to_string = structure_to_string_method

class Uni(ct.Union):
    to_string = union_to_string_method

class WNDCLASSEXW(Struct):
    _fields_ = (
        ("cbSize", wt.UINT),
        ("style", wt.UINT),
        #("lpfnWndProc", ct.c_void_p),
        ("lpfnWndProc", WNDPROC),
        ("cbClsExtra", ct.c_int),
        ("cbWndExtra", ct.c_int),
        ("hInstance", wt.HINSTANCE),
        ("hIcon", wt.HICON),
        ("hCursor", HCURSOR),
        ("hbrBackground", wt.HBRUSH),
        ("lpszMenuName", wt.LPCWSTR),
        ("lpszClassName", wt.LPCWSTR),
        ("hIconSm", wt.HICON),


class RawInputDevice(Struct):
    _fields_ = (
        ("usUsagePage", wt.USHORT),
        ("usUsage", wt.USHORT),
        ("dwFlags", wt.DWORD),
        ("hwndTarget", wt.HWND),

PRawInputDevice = ct.POINTER(RawInputDevice)

    _fields_ = (
        ("dwType", wt.DWORD),
        ("dwSize", wt.DWORD),
        ("hDevice", wt.HANDLE),
        ("wParam", wt.WPARAM),

class RAWMOUSE(Struct):
    _fields_ = (
        ("usFlags", wt.USHORT),
        ("ulButtons", wt.ULONG),  # unnamed union: 2 USHORTS: flags, data
        ("ulRawButtons", wt.ULONG),
        ("lLastX", wt.LONG),
        ("lLastY", wt.LONG),
        ("ulExtraInformation", wt.ULONG),

class RAWKEYBOARD(Struct):
    _fields_ = (
        ("MakeCode", wt.USHORT),
        ("Flags", wt.USHORT),
        ("Reserved", wt.USHORT),
        ("VKey", wt.USHORT),
        ("Message", wt.UINT),
        ("ExtraInformation", wt.ULONG),

class RAWHID(Struct):
    _fields_ = (
        ("dwSizeHid", wt.DWORD),
        ("dwCount", wt.DWORD),
        ("bRawData", wt.BYTE * 1),  # @TODO - cfati: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/ns-winuser-rawhid, but not very usable via CTypes

class RAWINPUT_U0(Uni):
    _fields_ = (
        ("mouse", RAWMOUSE),
        ("keyboard", RAWKEYBOARD),
        ("hid", RAWHID),

class RAWINPUT(Struct):
    _fields_ = (
        ("header", RAWINPUTHEADER),
        ("data", RAWINPUT_U0),


GetLastError = kernel32.GetLastError
GetLastError.argtypes = ()
GetLastError.restype = wt.DWORD

GetModuleHandle = kernel32.GetModuleHandleW
GetModuleHandle.argtypes = (wt.LPWSTR,)
GetModuleHandle.restype = wt.HMODULE

DefWindowProc = user32.DefWindowProcW
DefWindowProc.argtypes = wndproc_args
DefWindowProc.restype = LRESULT

RegisterClassEx = user32.RegisterClassExW
RegisterClassEx.argtypes = (ct.POINTER(WNDCLASSEX),)
RegisterClassEx.restype = wt.ATOM

CreateWindowEx = user32.CreateWindowExW
CreateWindowEx.argtypes = (wt.DWORD, wt.LPCWSTR, wt.LPCWSTR, wt.DWORD, ct.c_int, ct.c_int, ct.c_int, ct.c_int, wt.HWND, wt.HMENU, wt.HINSTANCE, wt.LPVOID)
CreateWindowEx.restype = wt.HWND

RegisterRawInputDevices = user32.RegisterRawInputDevices
RegisterRawInputDevices.argtypes = (PRawInputDevice, wt.UINT, wt.UINT)
RegisterRawInputDevices.restype = wt.BOOL

GetRawInputData = user32.GetRawInputData
GetRawInputData.argtypes = (PRAWINPUT, wt.UINT, wt.LPVOID, wt.PUINT, wt.UINT)
GetRawInputData.restype = wt.UINT

GetMessage = user32.GetMessageW
GetMessage.argtypes = (wt.LPMSG, wt.HWND, wt.UINT, wt.UINT)
GetMessage.restype = wt.BOOL

PeekMessage = user32.PeekMessageW
PeekMessage.argtypes = (wt.LPMSG, wt.HWND, wt.UINT, wt.UINT, wt.UINT)
PeekMessage.restype = wt.BOOL

TranslateMessage = user32.TranslateMessage
TranslateMessage.argtypes = (wt.LPMSG,)
TranslateMessage.restype = wt.BOOL

DispatchMessage = user32.DispatchMessageW
DispatchMessage.argtypes = (wt.LPMSG,)
DispatchMessage.restype = LRESULT

PostQuitMessage = user32.PostQuitMessage
PostQuitMessage.argtypes = (ct.c_int,)
PostQuitMessage.restype = None


#!/usr/bin/env python

import ctypes as ct
import ctypes.wintypes as wt
import sys
import time

import ctypes_wrappers as cw


WM_QUIT = 0x0012
WM_KEYUP = 0x0101
WM_CHAR = 0x0102


RIDEV_NOLEGACY = 0x00000030
RIDEV_INPUTSINK = 0x00000100

RID_HEADER = 0x10000005
RID_INPUT = 0x10000003


PM_NOREMOVE = 0x0000

def wnd_proc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
    print(f"Handle message - hwnd: 0x{hwnd:016X} msg: 0x{msg:08X} wp: 0x{wparam:016X} lp: 0x{lparam:016X}")
    if msg == WM_INPUT:
        size = wt.UINT(0)
        res = cw.GetRawInputData(ct.cast(lparam, cw.PRAWINPUT), RID_INPUT, None, ct.byref(size), ct.sizeof(cw.RAWINPUTHEADER))
        if res == wt.UINT(-1) or size == 0:
            print_error(text="GetRawInputData 0")
            return 0
        buf = ct.create_string_buffer(size.value)
        res = cw.GetRawInputData(ct.cast(lparam, cw.PRAWINPUT), RID_INPUT, buf, ct.byref(size), ct.sizeof(cw.RAWINPUTHEADER))
        if res != size.value:
            print_error(text="GetRawInputData 1")
            return 0
        #print("kkt: ", ct.cast(lparam, cw.PRAWINPUT).contents.to_string())
        ri = ct.cast(buf, cw.PRAWINPUT).contents
        head = ri.header
        if head.dwType == RIM_TYPEMOUSE:
            data = ri.data.mouse
        elif head.dwType == RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD:
            data = ri.data.keyboard
            if data.VKey == 0x1B:
        elif head.dwType == RIM_TYPEHID:
            data = ri.data.hid
            print("Wrong raw input type!!!")
            return 0
    return cw.DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)

def print_error(code=None, text=None):
    text = text + " - e" if text else "E"
    code = cw.GetLastError() if code is None else code
    print(f"{text}rror code: {code}")

def register_devices(hwnd=None):
    flags = RIDEV_INPUTSINK  # @TODO - cfati: If setting to 0, GetMessage hangs
    generic_usage_ids = (0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08)
    devices = (cw.RawInputDevice * len(generic_usage_ids))(
        *(cw.RawInputDevice(HID_USAGE_PAGE_GENERIC, uid, flags, hwnd) for uid in generic_usage_ids)
    #for d in devices: print(d.usUsagePage, d.usUsage, d.dwFlags, d.hwndTarget)
    if cw.RegisterRawInputDevices(devices, len(generic_usage_ids), ct.sizeof(cw.RawInputDevice)):
        print("Successfully registered input device(s)!")
        return True
        return False

def main(*argv):
    wnd_cls = "SO049572093_RawInputWndClass"
    wcx = cw.WNDCLASSEX()
    wcx.cbSize = ct.sizeof(cw.WNDCLASSEX)
    #wcx.lpfnWndProc = ct.cast(cw.DefWindowProc, ct.c_void_p)
    wcx.lpfnWndProc = cw.WNDPROC(wnd_proc)
    wcx.hInstance = cw.GetModuleHandle(None)
    wcx.lpszClassName = wnd_cls
    res = cw.RegisterClassEx(ct.byref(wcx))
    if not res:
        return 0
    hwnd = cw.CreateWindowEx(0, wnd_cls, None, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, wcx.hInstance, None)
    if not hwnd:
        return 0
    #print("hwnd:", hwnd)
    if not register_devices(hwnd):
        return 0
    msg = wt.MSG()
    pmsg = ct.byref(msg)
    print("Start loop (press <ESC> to exit)...")
    while res := cw.GetMessage(pmsg, None, 0, 0):
        if res < 0:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}\n".format(" ".join(elem.strip() for elem in sys.version.split("\n")),
                                                   64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
    rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])


[cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:\Work\Dev\Whosebug\q071994439]> "e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py_pc064_03.09_test0\Scripts\python.exe" code00.py
Python 3.9.9 (tags/v3.9.9:ccb0e6a, Nov 15 2021, 18:08:50) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] 064bit on win32

Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x00000024 wp: 0x0000000000000000 lp: 0x000000F5E0BEDDE0
Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x00000081 wp: 0x0000000000000000 lp: 0x000000F5E0BEDD70
Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x00000083 wp: 0x0000000000000000 lp: 0x000000F5E0BEDE00
Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x00000001 wp: 0x0000000000000000 lp: 0x000000F5E0BEDD70
Successfully registered input device(s)!
Start loop (press <ESC> to exit)...
Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x0000031F wp: 0x0000000000000001 lp: 0x0000000000000000
Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x000000FF wp: 0x0000000000000001 lp: 0x-00000003849FCDF
RAWINPUTHEADER (size: 24) instance at 0x00000296313BBBC0:
  dwType: 1
  dwSize: 40
  hDevice: 843780541
  wParam: 1

RAWKEYBOARD (size: 16) instance at 0x00000296313BBCC0:
  MakeCode: 30
  Flags: 0
  Reserved: 0
  VKey: 65
  Message: 256
  ExtraInformation: 0

Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x000000FF wp: 0x0000000000000001 lp: 0x0000000031AE1619
RAWINPUTHEADER (size: 24) instance at 0x00000296313BBBC0:
  dwType: 1
  dwSize: 40
  hDevice: 843780541
  wParam: 1

RAWKEYBOARD (size: 16) instance at 0x00000296313BBD40:
  MakeCode: 30
  Flags: 1
  Reserved: 0
  VKey: 65
  Message: 257
  ExtraInformation: 0

Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x000000FF wp: 0x0000000000000001 lp: 0x000000007C851501
RAWINPUTHEADER (size: 24) instance at 0x00000296313BBBC0:
  dwType: 0
  dwSize: 48
  hDevice: 4461491
  wParam: 1

RAWMOUSE (size: 24) instance at 0x00000296313BBDC0:
  usFlags: 0
  ulButtons: 1
  ulRawButtons: 0
  lLastX: 0
  lLastY: 0
  ulExtraInformation: 0

Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x000000FF wp: 0x0000000000000001 lp: 0x0000000031B41619
RAWINPUTHEADER (size: 24) instance at 0x00000296313BBBC0:
  dwType: 0
  dwSize: 48
  hDevice: 4461491
  wParam: 1

RAWMOUSE (size: 24) instance at 0x00000296313BBE40:
  usFlags: 0
  ulButtons: 2
  ulRawButtons: 0
  lLastX: 0
  lLastY: 0
  ulExtraInformation: 0

Handle message - hwnd: 0x00000000002F0606 msg: 0x000000FF wp: 0x0000000000000001 lp: 0x0000000052D10665
RAWINPUTHEADER (size: 24) instance at 0x00000296313BBBC0:
  dwType: 1
  dwSize: 40
  hDevice: 843780541
  wParam: 1

RAWKEYBOARD (size: 16) instance at 0x00000296313BBEC0:
  MakeCode: 1
  Flags: 0
  Reserved: 0
  VKey: 27
  Message: 256
  ExtraInformation: 0



  • (以上)输出是由以下操作生成的:aLClickESC

  • 我放弃了 PyWin32,因为它没有包装我们需要的函数( 的 none原始输入 系列),但它可能(至少)用于 win32con 中的常量(以避免定义它们)

  • 我认为可以通过将功能从 wnd_proc 移动到 while 循环来简化事情来自 main (因此所有 window class 东西(常量、结构、函数)都可以被删除),但我是这样开始的,但我没有想改变它

  • 重大突破是RIDEV_INPUTSINK(从此GetMessage不再挂了)

  • RAWHID结构(@TODO)被“包裹”这本书”,但它不起作用 OOTB(您提到过使用其他类型的设备)。最后的那个(1 大小的)数组只是一种声明一些附加数据(dwSizeHid 大小)将跟随的方式,这显然不能放在一个字节中。那里需要一个“技巧”:必须根据数据的大小动态定义结构(例如: - 我记得我写了一个关于该主题的较新答案,但我找不到或记住它),所有这些行为(递归地)在封装它的所有结构(联合)中传播