根据数组中的Id组成一个新数组 - Objective-c
Form a new array based on the Id in the array - Objective-c
OptionId = 5;
Choice Name = "Tomato"
OptionId = 1;
Choice Name = "Olives"
OptionId = 5;
ChoiceName = "Mushrooms"
OptionId = 6;
ChoiceName = "BBQ"
我想对这个数组进行排序,使结果包含 3 个元素
OptionId = 5
Choices = (
ChoiceName = "Tomato"
ChoiceName = "Mushrooms"
OptionId = 1;
Choices = (
Choice Name = "Olives"
OptionId = 6;
Choices = (
Choice Name = "BBQ"
任何 ideas/suggestions 都会非常有用
NSArray *initialArray = @[@{@"OptionId":@5,
@"Choice Name":@"Tomato"},
@"Choice Name":@"Olives"
@"Choice Name":@"Mushrooms"
@"Choice Name":@"BBQ"
NSMutableArray *finalArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *aDictionary in initialArray) {
//We find if we already have an entry for that OptionId in the final array
NSUInteger existingIndex = [finalArray indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(NSDictionary * _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
return [obj[@"OptionId"] isEqualTo:aDictionary[@"OptionId"]];
if (existingIndex != NSNotFound) {
// If we found one, we retrieve the element, and append the choice to our existing NSMutableArray
NSMutableDictionary *dict = finalArray[existingIndex];
NSMutableArray *existingArray = dict[@"Choice Name"];
[existingArray addObject:@{@"Choice Name": aDictionary[@"Choice Name"]}];
} else {
//Else we create a new entry, and we make the Choice Name an NSMutableArray, since it might have new choices afterwards
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
dict[@"OptionId"] = aDictionary[@"OptionId"];
dict[@"Choice Name"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:@{@"Choice Name": aDictionary[@"Choice Name"]}];
[finalArray addObject:dict];
NSLog(@"Initial:\n%@", initialArray);
NSLog(@"Final:\n%@", finalArray);
"Choice Name" = Tomato;
OptionId = 5;
"Choice Name" = Olives;
OptionId = 1;
"Choice Name" = Mushrooms;
OptionId = 5;
"Choice Name" = BBQ;
OptionId = 6;
"Choice Name" = (
"Choice Name" = Tomato;
"Choice Name" = Mushrooms;
OptionId = 5;
"Choice Name" = (
"Choice Name" = Olives;
OptionId = 1;
"Choice Name" = (
"Choice Name" = BBQ;
OptionId = 6;
旁注:如果可能,使用自定义 NSObject
OptionId = 5;
Choice Name = "Tomato"
OptionId = 1;
Choice Name = "Olives"
OptionId = 5;
ChoiceName = "Mushrooms"
OptionId = 6;
ChoiceName = "BBQ"
我想对这个数组进行排序,使结果包含 3 个元素
OptionId = 5
Choices = (
ChoiceName = "Tomato"
ChoiceName = "Mushrooms"
OptionId = 1;
Choices = (
Choice Name = "Olives"
OptionId = 6;
Choices = (
Choice Name = "BBQ"
无法找到我应该从哪里开始。 任何 ideas/suggestions 都会非常有用
NSArray *initialArray = @[@{@"OptionId":@5,
@"Choice Name":@"Tomato"},
@"Choice Name":@"Olives"
@"Choice Name":@"Mushrooms"
@"Choice Name":@"BBQ"
NSMutableArray *finalArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSDictionary *aDictionary in initialArray) {
//We find if we already have an entry for that OptionId in the final array
NSUInteger existingIndex = [finalArray indexOfObjectPassingTest:^BOOL(NSDictionary * _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
return [obj[@"OptionId"] isEqualTo:aDictionary[@"OptionId"]];
if (existingIndex != NSNotFound) {
// If we found one, we retrieve the element, and append the choice to our existing NSMutableArray
NSMutableDictionary *dict = finalArray[existingIndex];
NSMutableArray *existingArray = dict[@"Choice Name"];
[existingArray addObject:@{@"Choice Name": aDictionary[@"Choice Name"]}];
} else {
//Else we create a new entry, and we make the Choice Name an NSMutableArray, since it might have new choices afterwards
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
dict[@"OptionId"] = aDictionary[@"OptionId"];
dict[@"Choice Name"] = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:@{@"Choice Name": aDictionary[@"Choice Name"]}];
[finalArray addObject:dict];
NSLog(@"Initial:\n%@", initialArray);
NSLog(@"Final:\n%@", finalArray);
"Choice Name" = Tomato;
OptionId = 5;
"Choice Name" = Olives;
OptionId = 1;
"Choice Name" = Mushrooms;
OptionId = 5;
"Choice Name" = BBQ;
OptionId = 6;
"Choice Name" = (
"Choice Name" = Tomato;
"Choice Name" = Mushrooms;
OptionId = 5;
"Choice Name" = (
"Choice Name" = Olives;
OptionId = 1;
"Choice Name" = (
"Choice Name" = BBQ;
OptionId = 6;
旁注:如果可能,使用自定义 NSObject