.Transpose 和 .Index 在 16.60 更新后失败
.Transpose and .Index failing after 16.60 update
在 Excel 16.60 更新 mac 之后,我无法让 .transpose 和 .index 在任何 macros 中工作。错误是
"Run-time error '1004': Method 'Transpose' of object 'WorksheetFunction' failed".
Sub Test_Here()
Dim testString() As String
Dim xVar As Variant
ReDim testString(3, 3)
testString(0, 0) = "test11": testString(0, 1) = "test12": testString(0, 2) = "test13": testString(0, 3) = "test14"
testString(1, 0) = "test21": testString(1, 1) = "test22": testString(1, 2) = "test23": testString(1, 3) = "test24"
testString(2, 0) = "test31": testString(2, 1) = "test32": testString(2, 2) = "test33": testString(2, 3) = "test34"
testString(3, 0) = "test41": testString(3, 1) = "test42": testString(3, 2) = "test43": testString(3, 3) = "test44"
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(testString, 2) + 1, UBound(testString, 1) + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(testString)
End Sub
VBA 的 Transpose
长期以来一直是 Windows 和 Mac 间歇性问题的原因。当我尝试你的代码时它呈现 Korean-ish 。 (我不确定这是不是真话,但绝对是基于韩文书面语言!)
我没有尝试让 VBA 发生神奇的事情,而是提供了一个手动转置数组的函数。当您创建对象 testString
时,您必须将其创建为 Variant
Sub Test_Here()
Dim testString() As Variant
Dim xVar As Variant
ReDim testString(3, 3)
testString(0, 0) = "test11": testString(0, 1) = "test12": testString(0, 2) = "test13": testString(0, 3) = "test14"
testString(1, 0) = "test21": testString(1, 1) = "test22": testString(1, 2) = "test23": testString(1, 3) = "test24"
testString(2, 0) = "test31": testString(2, 1) = "test32": testString(2, 2) = "test33": testString(2, 3) = "test34"
testString(3, 0) = "test41": testString(3, 1) = "test42": testString(3, 2) = "test43": testString(3, 3) = "test44"
testString = TranspA(testString) 'transpose the array
'add to worksheet
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(testString, 2) + 1, UBound(testString, 1) + 1).Value = testString
End Sub
Public Function TranspA(arD As Variant) As Variant 'arD as an array of data
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim Xu As Long
Dim Yu As Long
Dim tempA As Variant 'temporary array holder
Xu = UBound(arD, 2)
Yu = UBound(arD, 1)
ReDim tempA(Xu, Yu)
For X = 0 To Xu
For Y = 0 To Yu
tempA(X, Y) = arD(Y, X)
Next Y
Next X
TranspA = tempA
End Function
在 Excel 16.60 更新 mac 之后,我无法让 .transpose 和 .index 在任何 macros 中工作。错误是
"Run-time error '1004': Method 'Transpose' of object 'WorksheetFunction' failed".
Sub Test_Here()
Dim testString() As String
Dim xVar As Variant
ReDim testString(3, 3)
testString(0, 0) = "test11": testString(0, 1) = "test12": testString(0, 2) = "test13": testString(0, 3) = "test14"
testString(1, 0) = "test21": testString(1, 1) = "test22": testString(1, 2) = "test23": testString(1, 3) = "test24"
testString(2, 0) = "test31": testString(2, 1) = "test32": testString(2, 2) = "test33": testString(2, 3) = "test34"
testString(3, 0) = "test41": testString(3, 1) = "test42": testString(3, 2) = "test43": testString(3, 3) = "test44"
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(testString, 2) + 1, UBound(testString, 1) + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(testString)
End Sub
VBA 的 Transpose
长期以来一直是 Windows 和 Mac 间歇性问题的原因。当我尝试你的代码时它呈现 Korean-ish 。 (我不确定这是不是真话,但绝对是基于韩文书面语言!)
我没有尝试让 VBA 发生神奇的事情,而是提供了一个手动转置数组的函数。当您创建对象 testString
时,您必须将其创建为 Variant
Sub Test_Here()
Dim testString() As Variant
Dim xVar As Variant
ReDim testString(3, 3)
testString(0, 0) = "test11": testString(0, 1) = "test12": testString(0, 2) = "test13": testString(0, 3) = "test14"
testString(1, 0) = "test21": testString(1, 1) = "test22": testString(1, 2) = "test23": testString(1, 3) = "test24"
testString(2, 0) = "test31": testString(2, 1) = "test32": testString(2, 2) = "test33": testString(2, 3) = "test34"
testString(3, 0) = "test41": testString(3, 1) = "test42": testString(3, 2) = "test43": testString(3, 3) = "test44"
testString = TranspA(testString) 'transpose the array
'add to worksheet
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Resize(UBound(testString, 2) + 1, UBound(testString, 1) + 1).Value = testString
End Sub
Public Function TranspA(arD As Variant) As Variant 'arD as an array of data
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim Xu As Long
Dim Yu As Long
Dim tempA As Variant 'temporary array holder
Xu = UBound(arD, 2)
Yu = UBound(arD, 1)
ReDim tempA(Xu, Yu)
For X = 0 To Xu
For Y = 0 To Yu
tempA(X, Y) = arD(Y, X)
Next Y
Next X
TranspA = tempA
End Function