如何将 variable/string(特定于 URL)从 discord 消息导出到 JS 文件?

How can I export a variable/string (URL specific) from discord message to the JS file?

我想知道如何将消息不和谐聊天中的字符串(URL)导出到 JS 文件并将其用作变量。我正在我的网站上测试一些抓取。 例如:

client.on('message', (msg) => {
if(msg.content === "!command " + "URL typed on discord chat" (example "https://www.Google.com") {
[...puppeteer stuff] 
await page.goto(the URL I typed on discord chat, in this case "https://www.Google.com")
client.on('message', (msg) => {
    // check if the message starts with '!command'
    if(msg.content.startsWith("!command")) {
        // splits message by spaces
        // and gets second item in the array
        // ["!command", "https://example.com", "foo"]
        //               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        // which should be an URL
        const url = msg.content.split(/\s+/)[1];
        // puppeteer stuff
        await page.goto(url);