为 excel 应用默认条件格式
Apply default conditional formatting for excel
我想知道是否有办法将条件格式应用于将要创建的所有新 excel 文件。
您可以在新工作簿中定义条件格式(以及您希望提供的任何其他内容)并将其存储在 XlStart 文件夹中。
找到您的 XlStart 文件夹;以下是 Microsoft 文档 (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/customize-how-excel-starts-6509b9af-2cc8-4fb6-9ef5-cf5f1d292c19) 中的说明:
Any workbook, template, or workspace file that you place in the XLStart folder is automatically opened when you start Excel. To find out the path of the XLStart folder, check the Trust Center settings. To do so:
Click File > Options, Click Trust Center, and then under Microsoft Office Excel Trust Center, click Trust Center Settings. Click Trusted Locations, and then verify the path to the XLStart folder in the list of trusted locations.
Use an alternate startup folder Click File > Options > Advanced. Under General, in the At Startup, open all files in box, type the full path of the folder that you want to use as the alternate startup folder.
Because Excel will try to open every file in the alternate startup folder, make sure that you specify a folder that contains only files that Excel can open.
Note: If a workbook with the same name is in both the XLStart folder and the alternate startup folder, the file in the XLStart folder opens.
我想知道是否有办法将条件格式应用于将要创建的所有新 excel 文件。
您可以在新工作簿中定义条件格式(以及您希望提供的任何其他内容)并将其存储在 XlStart 文件夹中。
找到您的 XlStart 文件夹;以下是 Microsoft 文档 (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/customize-how-excel-starts-6509b9af-2cc8-4fb6-9ef5-cf5f1d292c19) 中的说明:
Any workbook, template, or workspace file that you place in the XLStart folder is automatically opened when you start Excel. To find out the path of the XLStart folder, check the Trust Center settings. To do so:
Click File > Options, Click Trust Center, and then under Microsoft Office Excel Trust Center, click Trust Center Settings. Click Trusted Locations, and then verify the path to the XLStart folder in the list of trusted locations.
Use an alternate startup folder Click File > Options > Advanced. Under General, in the At Startup, open all files in box, type the full path of the folder that you want to use as the alternate startup folder.
Because Excel will try to open every file in the alternate startup folder, make sure that you specify a folder that contains only files that Excel can open.
Note: If a workbook with the same name is in both the XLStart folder and the alternate startup folder, the file in the XLStart folder opens.