为什么在使用记录时必须忽略 AutoMapper 中的所有其他属性?

Why do I have to Ignore all other properties in AutoMapper when using records?

public record Destination(double X, double Y);

public struct Source

    public double X { get; set; }

    public Potato Potato { get; set; }

    public double Z { get; set; }

public struct Potato
    public double Y { get; set; }

 public MappingProfile()
   CreateMap<Source, Destination>();
   .ForCtorParam(nameof(Destination.Y), e => e.MapFrom(x => x.Potato.Y))
   .ForAllOtherMembers(x => x.Ignore());

要将源映射到目标,我需要手动映射其中一个子项。 然而,automapper 会给出一个极其混乱的消息,说 Y 属性 未映射。

Unmapped members were found. Review the types and members below.
    Add a custom mapping expression, ignore, add a custom resolver, or modify the source/destination type
    For no matching constructor, add a no-arg ctor, add optional arguments, or map all of the constructor parameters
    Source -> Destination (Destination member list)

Unmapped properties:

我发现通过添加忽略所有其他成员的行,它会 'solve' 问题。有没有更好的方法来防止这个错误的发生?

报错信息提到映射所有构造函数参数,但即使我添加.ForCtorParam(nameof(Destination.X), e => e.MapFrom(x => x.X))错误仍然出现。

这已经在 11 中解决了。因为您无法升级,所以您将不得不忽略所有这些属性。问题是属性有设置器,在 AM 10 中,属性不被视为映射,即使它们已经通过构造函数映射。

另一个解决方案是使用不带 setter 的结构(或 class)而不是 record

我创建了以下 class 来帮助满足我的需求,因为我无法升级到更新的 AutoMapper 版本。



  1. 将自动映射同名的所有属性
  2. 可以使用 lambda 参数代替 nameof
  3. 不需要调用忽略其他成员
  4. 如果 属性 未映射
  5. ,将抛出异常

要使用它,在 MappingProfile:

new RecordMapBuilder<TSource, TDestination>(this)
            .Map(x => x.Foo, x => x.Offset.Foo)
        public class RecordMapBuilder<TSource, TDestination>
            private readonly Profile _profile;
            private readonly bool _autoMapMatchingProperties;
            private readonly Dictionary<string, Expression<Func<TSource, object>>> _ctorParamActions = new();
            public RecordMapBuilder(Profile profile, bool autoMapMatchingProperties = true)
                _profile = profile;
                _autoMapMatchingProperties = autoMapMatchingProperties;

            public void Build()
                var map = _profile.CreateMap<TSource, TDestination>();

                var unmappedDestinationProperties = new HashSet<string>(
                    .Where(e => !_ctorParamActions.ContainsKey(e.Name))
                    .Select(e => e.Name));

                var sourceProperties = new HashSet<string>(typeof(TSource)
                    .Select(e => e.Name));

                var mappableProperties = unmappedDestinationProperties.Intersect(sourceProperties).ToHashSet();
                var unMappableProperties = unmappedDestinationProperties.Except(sourceProperties).ToHashSet();

                if (unMappableProperties.Any())
                    var properties = string.Join(", ", unMappableProperties);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Not all properties mapped for type {typeof(TSource)} -> {typeof(TDestination)}: {properties}");

                if (_autoMapMatchingProperties)
                    foreach (var name in mappableProperties)
                        map.ForCtorParam(name, x => x.MapFrom(name));

                foreach (var kv in _ctorParamActions)
                    map.ForCtorParam(kv.Key, x => x.MapFrom(kv.Value));

                map.ForAllOtherMembers(x => x.Ignore());

            public RecordMapBuilder<TSource, TDestination> Map(Expression<Func<TDestination, object>> destination, Expression<Func<TSource, object>> source)
                var name = GetName(destination);
                _ctorParamActions[name] = source;
                return this;

            private static string GetName(Expression<Func<TDestination, object>> destination)
                    if (destination.Body is UnaryExpression ue && ue.Operand is MemberExpression me)
                        return me.Member.Name;

                    if (destination.Body is MemberExpression me)
                        return me.Member.Name;

                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unhandled expression of type: {destination.Body.GetType()}");