带列表的 C# WPF 组合框<class>

C# WPF Combobox with List<class>

我有一个 C# WPF 应用程序。 在我的 XAML 视图中,我有一个组合框 (x:Name="cboCities"),我使用代码隐藏来处理它。

我想向此组合框中添加一些项目(城市名称和邮政编码)。 这些项目在 List>clsCity>

我想在 Comboxbox 中显示城市名称,但我却显示了类似“clsCity”的内容。

我认为我需要正确设置 DisplayMemberPath,但我不知道如何设置。


public class clsCity
    public int ZIP { get; set; }
    public string Cityname { get; set; }

    public clsCity(int zip, string cityname)
        ZIP = zip;
        Cityname = cityname;

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

        List<clsCity> Cities = new List<clsCity>();

        Cities.Add(new clsCity(12345, "London"));
        Cities.Add(new clsCity(67890, "Berlin"));
        Cities.Add(new clsCity(11223, "New York"));

        cboCities.ItemsSource = Cities;
        cboCities.DisplayMemberPath = ???  //Display Cityname in Comboxbox


cboCities.DisplayMemberPath = nameof(clsCity.Cityname)

nameof doc

A nameof expression produces the name of a variable, type, or member as the string constant

DisplayMemberPath doc

The path to a value on the source object. This can be any path, or an XPath such as "@Name". The default is an empty string ("").

If DisplayMemberPath is not specified and there is no DataTemplate, then the ListBox (in your case Combobox) displays a string representation of each object in the underlying collection.