我可以使用核心 php 生成 google 满足 link

Can i generate google meet link using core php

我在一个教育网站上工作,教师需要为 1v1 class 的学生生成 google 会议 link。 我在互联网上看到的解决方案是 linking google 日历等。我很困惑该怎么做。我只想通过编码为 PHP.

的网站生成简单的 google 会议 link

截至此答案发布之日,Google 会议没有直接的 API,这意味着,没有创建 Google 会议 link 的选项首先创建一个日历事件。

对于同一个请求,有一个 Feature Request,其中声明:

"... As you are aware there is currently no Meet API, real-time or otherwise, and while this has been considered, there are no immediate plans to implement one. Therefore, implementing a direct Meet API has been deemed infeasible. This issue is going to be closed for now, however, please do continue to "star" it if you would like to see something like this implemented ..."

另一种方法是创建一个机器人来创建 Google 日历事件及其 link,抓取事件 link,然后删除该事件。