如何使用 WordPress 类别修复此 "Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter" 错误消息?

How do I fix this "Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter" error message with WordPress categories?

我正在使用的 WordPress 主题 functions.php 中有以下功能。它应该排除指定的 post 类别(例如“未分类”)显示在网站的前端。它确实适用于此目的。

function the_category_filter($thelist,$separator=' ') {
     // list the IDs of the categories to exclude
     $exclude = array(1);
     // create an empty array
     $exclude2 = array();

     // loop through the excluded IDs and get their actual names
     foreach($exclude as $c) {
          // store the names in the second array
          $exclude2[] = get_cat_name($c);

     // get the list of categories for the current post     
     $cats = explode($separator,$thelist);
     // create another empty array      
     $newlist = array();

     foreach($cats as $cat) {
          // remove the tags from each category
          $catname = trim(strip_tags($cat));

          // check against the excluded categories

          // if not in that list, add to the new array
          $newlist[] = $cat;
     // return the new, shortened list
     return implode($separator,$newlist);

// add the filter to 'the_category' tag
add_filter('the_category','the_category_filter', 10, 2);

但是,在某些自定义 post 类型中,其类别与我在上述代码中选择的类别不同,当我创建新的 post 时,出现此错误

Warning: explode(): Empty delimiter

在 post 编辑器右侧的类别选择面板中。


$cats = explode($separator,$thelist);

我试过将那部分代码包装在 if 条件中以检查空分隔符,如下所示:

 if ( !empty( explode($separator,$thelist) ) ) {     
     $cats = explode($separator,$thelist);
     // create another empty array      
     $newlist = array();

     foreach($cats as $cat) {
          // remove the tags from each category
          $catname = trim(strip_tags($cat));

          // check against the excluded categories

          // if not in that list, add to the new array
          $newlist[] = $cat;
     // return the new, shortened list
     return implode($separator,$newlist);



$cats = explode($separator,$thelist);

源值 $separator 不允许为空字符串(或等效字符串),因此您可以在 运行 和 explode 之前检查该值,或者您可以使用 函数内:


确保给定的 $seperator 值不为空;

if ( !empty($separator) && !empty($thelist) ) {     
    $cats = explode($separator, $thelist);

此处使用 A 的示例:

$seperator = "";
$thelist = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";

$cats = "failed";
if ( !empty($separator) && !empty($thelist) ) {     
    $cats = explode($separator, $thelist);

 // output string "failed"


if (!empty($thelist) ) {     
    $cats = explode( ($separator?:' '),$thelist);

此处使用 B 的示例:

$seperator = "";
$thelist = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9";

$cats = "failed";
if (!empty($thelist) ) {     
    $cats = explode(($separator?:' '),$thelist);

 // output array of numerical values.


$catname = trim(strip_tags($cat));

“Strip_tags”函数问题极大,如果字符串中的HTML标签没有对齐,很容易return空字符串,例如<p>something here.如您所举,这可能会导致空字符串。我不能说这是否是你正在发生的事情,但我建议你尝试注释掉这个函数,看看是否能改善结果。

我建议您可以为自己构建一个更强大的 preg_replace() 功能来删除特定字符,例如任何非字母数字的字符等。


function the_category_filter($thelist,$separator=' ') {
     // list the IDs of the categories to exclude
     $exclude = array(1);
     // create an empty array
     $exclude2 = array();

     // loop through the excluded IDs and get their actual names
     foreach($exclude as $c) {
          // store the names in the second array
          $exclude2[] = get_cat_name($c);

     // get the list of categories for the current post   
    if ( !empty( $separator ) && !empty( $thelist ) ) {       
         $cats = explode($separator,$thelist);
         // create another empty array      
         $newlist = array();

         foreach($cats as $cat) {
              // remove the tags from each category
              $catname = trim(strip_tags($cat));

              // check against the excluded categories

              // if not in that list, add to the new array
              $newlist[] = $cat;
         // return the new, shortened list
         return implode($separator,$newlist);
    } else {
        return $thelist;