
split list elements iteratively

我想拆分列表 names 元素。更准确地说,我只想用 Oscar Muller

names = ['Oscar Muller Some other Name', 'Oscar Muller', 'Peter Pan']
expected_names = ['Oscar Muller', 'Some other Name', 'Oscar Muller', 'Peter Pan']

d = "Oscar Muller "
for line in names:
    s = [e+d for e in line.split(d) if e]


[list(filter(None, re.split(r'Oscar\sMuller\s', i))) for i in names]


d1 = re.compile(r"Oscar\sMuller\s")
d = d1.search(names)
for line in names:
    if d:
        s = [e+d for e in line.split(d) if e]

但它导致了输入问题 .split()。错误:TypeError: must be str or None, not re.Pattern。所以我将其更改为处理每个列表元素。

d1 = re.compile(r"Oscar\sMuller\s")
d = list(filter(d1.match, names))
for line in names:
    if d:
        s = [e+d for e in line.split(d) if e]

但是也没用,返回TypeError: must be str or None, not list


本质上,您需要做的是为原始列表中的每个项目生成 1 或 2 个项目子列表,然后将列表展平为单个可迭代对象。

有几种方法可以做到这一点。您可以使用生成器函数,或者巧妙地使用 itertools

import re

def my_generator(names):
    for name in names:
        sublist = re.split(r"(?<=Oscar Muller) ", name)
        yield from sublist

names = ['Oscar Muller Some other Name', 'Oscar Muller', 'Peter Pan']
expected_names = list(my_generator(names))

或者您可以 one-liner itertools:

import itertools
import re

names = ['Oscar Muller Some other Name', 'Oscar Muller', 'Peter Pan']
expected_names = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(re.split(r"(?<=Oscar Muller) ", s) for s in names))


import re
[j for i in [re.split(r"(?<=Oscar Muller)", k) for k in names] for j in i if j]