mapstruct 和 OpenAPI 的错误元素错误
Erroneous element error with mapstruct and OpenAPI
尝试使用 MapStruct 转换由 openapi-generator 生成的 java 模型时出现以下异常
error: No implementation was created for EmployeeMapper due to having
a problem in the erroneous element
org.openapitools.jackson.nullable.JsonNullable. Hint: this often means
that some other annotation processor was supposed to process the
erroneous element. You can also enable MapStruct verbose mode by
setting -Amapstruct.verbose=true as a compilation argument.
问题是生成的 java 文件具有未使用的导入
因此在使用 openapi-generator 生成代码时传递了以下配置以忽略 JsonNullable 导入。
"openApiNullable": false
尝试使用 MapStruct 转换由 openapi-generator 生成的 java 模型时出现以下异常
error: No implementation was created for EmployeeMapper due to having a problem in the erroneous element org.openapitools.jackson.nullable.JsonNullable. Hint: this often means that some other annotation processor was supposed to process the erroneous element. You can also enable MapStruct verbose mode by setting -Amapstruct.verbose=true as a compilation argument.
问题是生成的 java 文件具有未使用的导入
因此在使用 openapi-generator 生成代码时传递了以下配置以忽略 JsonNullable 导入。
"openApiNullable": false