我有一个 graphQL 查询,想将它转换为 GraphQL Transformer v1 到 v2

I have a graphQL query and wanted to convert it GraphQL Transformer v1 to v2

我正在使用 GraphQl 进行放大处理现有项目 API。

查询将@Key 的问题显示为 Your GraphQL Schema is using "@key" directive from an older version of the GraphQL Transformer。由于我是 graphQL 的新手,我应该改变什么才能让它工作?



✖ An error occurred when pushing the resources to the cloud
 An error occurred during the push operation: Your GraphQL Schema is using "@key" directive from an older version of the GraphQL Transformer. Visit https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/migration/transformer-migration/ to learn how to migrate your GraphQL schema.


type KeyValuePair {
    key: String!
    value: String

type Template
  @auth(rules: [ {allow: owner } ]) {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  description: String
  provision_style: String!
  status: String!
  params: [KeyValuePair]
  resources: [KeyValuePair]

type Asset
  @auth(rules: [ {allow: owner } ]) 
  @key(name: "categoryTypeIndex", fields: ["category", "type"], queryField: "assetsByCategoryAndType")
  @key(name: "categoryNameIndex", fields: ["category", "name"], queryField: "assetsByCategoryAndName")
  @key(name: "categoryStatusIndex", fields: ["category", "status"], queryField: "assetsByCategoryAndStatus") {
  id: ID!
  parent: ID
  category: String!
  type: String!
  name: String!
  description: String
  status: String
  template: String
  details: [KeyValuePair]

type Contract
  @auth(rules: [ {allow: owner } ]) 
  @key(name: "tenantAssetIndex", fields: ["tenantId", "assetId"], queryField: "contractsByTenantAndAsset")
  @key(name: "tenantNameIndex", fields: ["tenantId", "name"], queryField: "contractsByTenantAndName")
  @key(name: "tenantStatusIndex", fields: ["tenantId", "status"], queryField: "contractsByTenantAndStatus") {
  id: ID!
  type: String!
  tenantId: String!
  assetId: String!
  name: String!
  description: String
  status: String
  details: [KeyValuePair]
  resources: [KeyValuePair]

type PlatformEvent
  @auth(rules: [ {allow: owner } ]) 
  @key(name: "contractTypeIndex", fields: ["contractId", "type"], queryField: "eventsByContractAndType")
  @key(name: "contractSourceIndex", fields: ["contractId", "sourceId"], queryField: "eventsByContractAndSource")
  @key(name: "sourceTypeIndex", fields: ["sourceId", "type"], queryField: "eventsBySourceAndType") {
  id: ID!
  type: String!
  contractId: String!
  sourceId: String!
  content: String!
  details: [KeyValuePair]

This 应该会让您的生活变得轻松。

AWS 提供了一个迁移指南:https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/migration/transformer-migration/ 但遗憾的是他们没有具体说明如何实际设置您的 API 以使用 new/old 版本。

如果您查看 amplify 文件夹,您会找到一个 cli.json 文件,要将您的后端设置为使用 GraphQLTransformer 版本 1,您只需编辑该文件并设置以下两个属性:

  "features": {
    "graphqltransformer": {
      "useexperimentalpipelinedtransformer": false,
      "transformerversion": 1,

从那里您只需 amplify push 并假设您已满足迁移指南描述的所有更改,它将正确更新您的端点。

编辑:对于那些希望升级到 V2 而不是降级到 V1 的用户,您需要按如下方式设置属性:

  "features": {
    "graphqltransformer": {
      "useexperimentalpipelinedtransformer": true,
      "transformerversion": 2,