HEREmaps SDK Flutter - Routing error: 6, exception: These credentials do not authorize access, error code: 403

HEREmaps SDK Flutter - Routing error: 6, exception: These credentials do not authorize access, error code: 403

我正在使用 Here SDK (Explore) for Flutter,该帐户获得了账单信息和正确的凭据。我可以显示地图并在其上绘制多段线。


E/routing ( 3234): [ERROR] routing - Routing error: 6, exception: These credentials do not >authorize access, error code: 403


    _routingEngine.importCarRoute(routeLocations, CarOptions.withDefaults(), (routingError, routes) {
      if (routingError == null) {
        here.Route route = routes!.first;
      } else {
        var error = routingError.toString();
        _showDialog('Error', 'Error while calculating a route: $error');

很遗憾,您的观察是正确的。官方 release notes 将此列为已知问题:

RoutingEngine: The route import feature via a list of Locations cannot be used yet commercially and requires custom access credentials. Please contact your sales representative to get access.

希望HERE团队能尽快解决这个问题。在此之前,HERE 需要为每个客户手动启用凭据。理想情况下,请直接联系 HERE 团队以获取为此功能启用的凭据。