如何合并 pandas 中的两个 dfs(基于日期时间段),如果重复则添加行

How to merge two dfs in pandas (based on datetime period), and add rows if duplicates



id encounter_key start_of_period end_of_period
1 AAA 2020-06-12 2021-07-07
1 BBB 2021-12-31 2022-01-04


id start_datetime drug
1 2020-06-16 Mel
1 2020-06-18 Mel
1 2020-06-18 Flu
1 2022-01-01 Mel

我想合并 (?merge/?join/?concatenate) drug 的列,其中 start_datetimediag 的开始和结束期间(含)内,最终在 diag 中有更多行,例如:

id encounter_key start_of_period end_of_period drug start_datetime
1 AAA 2020-06-12 2021-07-07 Mel 2020-06-16
1 AAA 2020-06-12 2021-07-07 Mel 2020-06-18
1 AAA 2020-06-12 2021-07-07 Flu 2020-06-18
1 BBB 2021-12-31 2022-01-04 Mel 2022-01-01

希望这是有道理的,并为没有使用正确的术语而道歉 - 我不确定它们。提前致谢。


out = diag[1:]
diag = pd.DataFrame(np.repeat(diag.values[:1], 3, axis=0), columns=diag.columns).astype(diag.dtypes)
diag = diag.append(out, ignore_index=True)
df = pd.concat([diag, drug], axis=1)
df = df.loc[:,~df.columns.duplicated()]
df = df.reindex(columns=['id', 'encounter_key', 'start_of_period', 'end_of_period', 'drug', 'start_datetime'])


   id encounter_key start_of_period end_of_period drug start_datetime
0   1           AAA      2020-06-12    2021-07-07  Mel     2020-06-16
1   1           AAA      2020-06-12    2021-07-07  Mel     2020-06-18
2   1           AAA      2020-06-12    2021-07-07  Flu     2020-06-18
3   1           BBB      2021-12-31    2022-01-04  Mel     2022-01-01