如何将元素添加到 Redis 哈希并使用无阻塞的 ReactiveRedisTemplate 设置过期时间?

How do you add elements to a Redis Hash and set the expiration using ReactiveRedisTemplate without block?


 * Given a refresh token and the user name, create a "payload" to represent
 * secret data and store it into Redis as a hash and set it to expire in 30 seconds.
Map<String, String> provideAuthenticatedData(String refreshTokenMono, String username) {
  var ops = redisTemplate.opsForHash();
  var payload = Map.of(
    "username", username,
    "secret", UUID.randomUUID().toString()
  var puts = payload.entrySet()
    .map(e->ops.putIfAbsent(refreshToken, e.key(), e.value())
    .filter(success -> !success) // finds those that have failed
  if (!puts.isEmpty()) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("some elements failed to save");
  var expireCheck = redisTemplate.expireAt(refreshToken, Instant.now().plusSeconds(30));
  if (!expireCheck) {
    throw new IllegalStateException("unable to expire");
  return payload;

尝试用 Reactive 来做它看起来有点混乱,我在一点后卡住了

 * Given a refresh token mono and the user name, create a "payload" to represent
 * secret data and store it into Redis as a hash and set it to expire in 30 seconds.
Mono<Map<String, String>> provideAuthenticatedData(Mono<String> refreshTokenMono, String username) {
  var ops = reactiveRedisTemplate.opsForHash();
  var payload = Map.of(
    "username", username,
    "secret", UUID.randomUUID().toString()
  return refreshTokenMono
      refreshToken -> payload.entrySet()
          e -> ops.putIfAbsent(refreshToken, e.getKey(), e.getValue())
        .toList() // can't find an operator that would take a stream
    // at this point I have a Flux<Mono<Boolean>>
    // somehow I have to find out if any of them are false then return a Mono.error()
    // then once all of it is done, set the key to expire
    // finally return the payload I originally created


Mono<Map<String, String>> provideAuthenticatedDataMono(
      Mono<String> refreshTokenMono, String username) {

  var ops = reactiveRedisTemplate.opsForHash();
  var payload = Map.of(
    "username", username,
    "secret", UUID.randomUUID().toString()

  return refreshTokenMono
        refreshToken ->
              e ->  ops.putIfAbsent(
       refreshToken ->
    .flatMap((x) -> just(payload));

reactive 的主要思想是在流中工作,所以你应该避免在任何地方订阅你应该 return Flux,Mono Stream。

第一个示例不起作用,因为您没有订阅 redis 给您的单声道。

因为您使用的是响应式,所以为什么要将它与 java 流混合。


  public Mono< YOUR_OBJECT > save(Object YOUR_OBJECT) {
return template.opsForValue().set(YOUR_OBJECT.key, YOUR_OBJECT)
    .filter(aBoolean -> aBoolean)
    .map(aBoolean -> YOUR_OBJECT)
    .switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Could not save data to redis")));

