
Diagnostic message for well-formed program



int main() { 0; }


只要在任何相应的场景中满足以下规则,就可以发出诊断。 §1.4/2:

Although this International Standard states only requirements on C ++ implementations, those requirements are often easier to understand if they are phrased as requirements on programs, parts of programs, or execution of programs. Such requirements have the following meaning:

  • If a program contains no violations of the rules in this International Standard, a conforming implementation shall, within its resource limits, accept and correctly execute that program.

  • If a program contains a violation of any diagnosable rule or an occurrence of a construct described in this Standard as “conditionally-supported” when the implementation does not support that construct, a conforming implementation shall issue at least one diagnostic message.

  • If a program contains a violation of a rule for which no diagnostic is required, this International Standard places no requirement on implementations with respect to that program.

"Accepting" 仅解决对实现的确认,即这是一个格式正确的程序,而不是没有任何诊断。毕竟,尽管在此过程中发出了任何警告,实现仍然会产生您要求的目标文件。

但是,有一项关于模板的规则确实要求不发布诊断; §14.6/8:

No diagnostic shall be issued for a template for which a valid specialization can be generated.

实施可以发出 (1)任意数量的诊断,只要它确实发出所需的诊断。


C++14 §1.4/2:

If a program contains no violations of the rules in this International Standard, a conforming imple- mentation shall, within its resource limits, accept and correctly execute that program"


C++ 标准不区分错误消息警告消息,但这是事实上标准。错误消息意味着(按照惯例)没有生成二进制文件,因为问题太严重了。警告消息意味着(按照惯例)存在潜在问题,但不会直接违反语言规则,因此会生成二进制文件,除非也有错误。

有时界线有点模糊,实现不正确但出于实用原因接受无效代码,只有警告甚至没有诊断。因此,对于新代码,人们可能会要求编译器将每个警告都视为错误,并以完全 clean compiles 为目标。据我了解,现在这种情况绝对并不少见。

使用一些编译器,例如然而,Visual C++ 可能会有问题,因为编译器发出了太多 愚蠢的警告 ,关于完全合法和无问题构造的警告。然后必须以某种方式抑制这些警告。例如。通过 #pragma 指令,如果可能,或通过代码重写。

幸运的是,Visual C++ 存在 a header with such #pragma directives that turn off sillywarnings, compiled about five years ago from a community effort in the comp.lang.c++ Usenet group. And happily, for the community edition of Visual Studio 2015 there is an extension that provides a project template with that header included。这些都是我做的。


int main() { 0; }

... 而不是抑制通常有用的警告,您应该重写代码以明确表达您的意图:

int main() { (void)0; }

(void) 转换告诉编译器您打算丢弃该表达式的值。

在将此构造用于其他未使用的函数参数的情况下,您可以额外声明一个不完整的同名 class,以防止无意中使用名称:

(void)arg_name; struct arg_name;

但由于它是非常规的,它可能会绊倒其他程序员 – 对于我使用的编译器,以后使用该名称的错误消息并不完全直观。

(1) 除了 ,C++14 §14.6/8 “不应为可以生成有效特化的模板发出诊断。”。