JMETER 非 gui:无法使用 jmeter 命令行生成文件夹

JMETER non gui: Not able to generate folder using jmeter command line

我无法在命令行中生成 jmeter 的 folder/HTML 报告。

我之前已经升级到最新的 java 但不知何故它不起作用。 我已下载 jdk8 但遇到以下消息:

jmeter: line 128: [: : integer expression expected jmeter: line 199: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home -v 1.8.331.09/bin/java: No such file or directory

你用错了Java,你需要JDK (or at least JRE) and you seem to be using Java browser plugin

按照浏览器插件提供的 Installation of the JDK on macOS article to get the required version of Java (not earlier than JDK 8) and make sure that it's in your PATH 之前的说明进行操作。


更多信息:Get Started With JMeter: Installation & Tests