Xcode 6.4 模拟器不再需要 LaunchAgent 解决方法?

Xcode 6.4 simulator does not need LaunchAgent workaround any more?


对于 xcode 6.3 及以下

You can also use launchd for running tests on the iOS simulator from a SSH session, either by crafting a LaunchAgent and manually loading / starting that, or by using "launchctl submit”.

现在切换到 xcode 6.4 后,此解决方法在 运行ning 测试时会导致一些暂时性问题:

2015-07-27 18:20:10.024 xcodebuild[82019:35808239] Metadata.framework [Error]: _MDAccessCopyClientPort failed retrying
2015-07-27 18:20:10.024 xcodebuild[82019:35810614] Metadata.framework [Error]: couldn't get the client port

Testing failed:
    Test target VoyagerTests encountered an error (Test session exited(-1) without checking in. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the log file at /var/folders/zj/17v5xz0n44j10tnn0tzbq8380000gq/T/com.apple.dt.XCTest-status/Session-2015-07-27_18:20:02-vjq6dO.log)

但如果我只是 运行 测试而不加载 LaunchAgent,那么它就可以正常工作。有没有人经历过同样的事情?这是否意味着 Xcode6.4 已解决此问题?

您提到的问题是 Xcode 6.0 到 Xcode 6.2.x 中的一个问题。它在 Xcode 6.3.


您可能遇到了 _MDAccessCopyClientPort 的另一个错误,因此我建议您在 http://bugreport.apple.com
