
Stemmed searches

我正在阅读 Inside MarkLogic Server r7 http://www.odbms.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/marklogic-server-r7.pdf,有一个关于词干搜索的陈述让我有点困惑。

"MarkLogic 默认启用词干搜索选项并保留单词搜索 已禁用。"

当我检查系统上 MarkLogic 的默认配置时,词干搜索默认被禁用


您正在阅读一份 2013 年的旧文档。此后数据库默认值发生了变化,并且在该文档的更新版本中指出:

In versions 8 and earlier, MarkLogic by default enables the stemmed searches option and leaves word searches disabled. Usually that's fine, but it can lead to surprises—e.g., if you're searching for a term in a metadata field where you don't want stemming. For such cases, you can enable the word searches index and pass "unstemmed" as an option while constructing the search query constraint. In version 9, the settings are reversed, and MarkLogic by default disables stemmed searches and enables word searches.

现在,词干提取已关闭,词搜索已默认启用。您可以更改这些设置,如果您发现确实需要词干提取,而不是 database-wide 更改,您可以决定 enable stemming on specific fields.

Database Stemming is Off, Word Searches On By Default

  • In MarkLogic 9 and later, when you create a new database, the stemmed searches property is off by default. In MarkLogic 8 and earlier, the default is basic.
  • In MarkLogic 9 and later, when you create a new database, word searches are enabled by default. In MarkLogic 8 and earlier releases, word searches were disabled by default.
  • To achieve the pre-MarkLogic 9 default behavior, configure your database to turn off stemmed searches and set word searches to true.
  • These changes only affect databases you create after upgrading to MarkLogic 9. Databases that exist when you upgrade will retain their previous settings.