Lisp 插件调用 .dcl 文件

Lisp Addin Call .dcl File

我正在尝试为 cad 插件学习和实现一些 lisp 代码,但我 运行 遇到了调用问题。我目前正在尝试为用户激活此插件时添加错误处理,但文件本身不在正确的目录中或文件未保存到某个位置。我遇到了一种方法,该方法允许我使用消息框向用户提问,但 lisp 文件并未提取 dcl 文件。应该如何解决这个错误?


应用程序: DraftSight 是添加 lisp 文件的地方。

原始教程:这是 the link 原始教程,我在其中找到了构建消息框的代码。

来自 DraftSight 的错误消息


;; Global Constants
(defconstant msgboxPath "C:\Users\GarrettB\Documents\Visual Studio Code\DraftSight LISP")

(defun C:ProjectRev()
    ;; Pulls the directory from the active file
    (setq dirPath (vl-catch-all-apply getvar 'dwgprefix))
    ;; Checks for an error
    (if not (vl-catch-all-error-p dirPath) 
    (progn ; No error - Ask user if this is the right path
        (setq UserRespond (lspYesNoCancel "Is this the correct path?" dirfile "" "PROJECT REVISION"))
        (princ (type UserRespond))
        (princ UserRespond)
        ;; if yes then continue
        ;; else ask for correct directory (function call)
        ;; (setq dirPath (browseForFolder "Select the project folder: " 1 "d:\"))

    (progn ; Error - File is not saved to a directory
        ;; ask for correct directory (function call)
        ;; (setq dirPath (browseForFolder "Select the project folder: " 1 "d:\"))
    ;; Gather drawings into a list
    ;; Copy drawings and place into "Past revisions" folder
    ;; Add revision to drawings
    ;; Modify drawing's names
    ;; Save, close, and end

;; Source:
;; Browses the current directory for .dwg files
(defun browseForFolder (title options rootFolder / sh folder folderobject result)
    (setq sh (vla-getInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) "Shell.Application")) ; sets the Shell Terminal variable
    ;; Obtaining starting location
    (setq folder (vlax-invoke-method sh 'BrowseForFolder
        (vla-get-hwnd (vlax-get-acad-object)) title options rootFolder)) ; User sets the folder path and file name as an object?
    (vlax-release-object sh) ;-------------------------------------------; Releases the shell application object
    (setq sh nil) ;------------------------------------------------------; Sets the sh variable to nothing

    ; If folder is not nil
    (if folder
            ;; Conversion
            (setq folderobject (vlax-get-property folder 'Self)) ; Sets the folder path as an object
            (setq result (vlax-get-property FolderObject 'Path)) ; Sets the folder path as a string
            ;; Release and nullify
            (vlax-release-object folder) ;-----; Releases the folder path and file name as an object?
            (vlax-release-object FolderObject) ; Releases the folder path as a string
            (setq folder nil) ;----------------; Sets the folder variable to nothing
            (setq FolderObject nil) ;----------; Sets the FolderObject variable to nothing
            ;; Returning variable
        ); progn
    ); if
 ); defun browserForFolder

;; Source:
;; Lisp code from tutorial
(defun lspYesNoCancel (message1 message2 message3 main)

    ;; Creating dialoge box
    (setq dcl_id (load_dialog strcat(msgboxPath "\" "msgbox.dcl")))

    ;; Error prevention
    (if (not (new_dialog "lspYesNoCancel" dcl_id)) (exit))

    ;; Dialoge Message
    (set_tile "message1" message1)
    (set_tile "message2" message2)
    (set_tile "message3" message3)
    (set_tile "main" main)

    ;; Command Buttons
    (action_tile "no" "(done_dialog) (setq result \"F\")")
    (action_tile "yes" "(done_dialog) (setq result T)")
    (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog) (setq result nil)")
    ;; Interaction
    (start_dialog) ; Show dialog box
    (unload_dialog dcl_id) ; Close dialoge box

这是 msgbox.dcl 文件

// Source:

lspOkCancel : dialog {
    key = "main";
    : column {
        : text {key = "message1";}
        : text {key = "message2";}
        : text {key = "message3";}
    : row {
        : spacer {width = 1;}
        : button {
            label = "OK";
            key = "accept";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "O";
            is_default = true;
        : button {
            label = "Cancel";
            key = "cancel";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "C";
            is_cancel = true;
        : spacer { width = 1;}
lspYesNo : dialog {
    key = "main";
    : column {
        : text {key = "message1";}
        : text {key = "message2";}
        : text {key = "message3";}
    : row {
        : spacer {width = 1;}
        : button {
            label = "Yes";
            key = "yes";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "Y";
            is_default = true;
        : button {
            label = "No";
            key = "no";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "N";
            is_cancel = true;
        : spacer { width = 1;}
lspOkOnly : dialog {
    key = "main";
    : column {
        : text {key = "message1";}
        : text {key = "message2";}
        : text {key = "message3";}
    : row {
        : spacer { width = 1; }
        : button {
            label = "OK";
            key = "accept";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "O";
            is_default = true;
            alignment = centered;
        : spacer { width = 1;}
lspYesNoCancel : dialog {
    key = "main";
    : column {
        : text {Key = "message1";}
        : text {key = "message2";}
        : text {key = "message3";}
    : row {
        : spacer {width = 1;}
        : button {
            label = "Yes";
            key = "yes";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "Y";
            is_default = true;
        : button {
            label = "No";
            key = "no";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "N";
        : button {
            label = "Cancel";
            key = "cancel";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "C";
            is_cancel = true;
        : spacer {width = 1;}
lspRentryCancel : dialog {
    key = "main";
    : column {
        : text {key = "message1";}
        : text {key = "message2";}
        : text {key = "message3";}
    : row {
        : spacer { width = 1; }
        : button {
            label = "Rentry";
            key = "rentry";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "R";
            is_default = true;
        : button {
            label = "Cancel";
            key = "Cancel";
            width = 12;
            fixed_width = true;
            mnemonic = "C";
            is_cancel = true;
        : spacer {width = 1;}


(setq dcl_id (load_dialog strcat(msgboxPath "\" "msgbox.dcl")))


(setq dcl_id (load_dialog ( strcat msgboxPath "\" "msgbox.dcl")))