为什么在比较双精度容器时没有来自 -Wfloat-equal 的警告?

Why is there no warning from -Wfloat-equal when comparing containers of doubles?

如果我将编译器选项 -Wfloat-equal 与 GCC 或 Clang 一起使用,float/double 值的相等比较会导致警告。但是,当比较 containers(如 std::vectorstd::tuple)的 float 或 double 值时,不会引发此类警告。


#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>

int main() {
    double d = 1.2;

    std::tuple<double, double> t_d{1.2, 3.14};
    std::tuple<double, double> t_d_2{1.2, 3.14};

    std::vector<double> v_d{1.2, 3.14};
    std::vector<double> v_d_2{1.2, 3.14};

    // this causes a warning, like "warning: comparing floating-point with '==' or '!=' is unsafe [-Wfloat-equal]":
    assert(d == 1.2);
    // but why no warning from -Wfloat-equal here?
    assert(t_d == t_d_2);
    // no warning here either:
    assert(v_d == v_d_2);

    // all of these cause warnings as expected:
    assert(std::get<0>(t_d) == 1.2);
    assert(std::get<0>(t_d) == std::get<0>(t_d_2));
    assert(v_d[0] == 1.2);
    assert(v_d[0] == v_d_2[0]);

    return 0;


GCC 默认不报告系统 headers 的警告。可以通过添加 -Wsystem-header 编译器标志来获得所需的行为。



Print warning messages for constructs found in system header files. Warnings from system headers are normally suppressed, on the assumption that they usually do not indicate real problems and would only make the compiler output harder to read. Using this command-line option tells GCC to emit warnings from system headers as if they occurred in user code...


Clang貌似采用了同样的做法,见https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#controlling-diagnostics-in-system-headers and https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#options-to-control-error-and-warning-messages.
