不允许在十进制整数文字中使用前导零;对八进制整数使用 0o 前缀

leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted; use an 0o prefix for octal integers

我在 Robot Framework 中有一个步骤来检查持续时间是否 > 20 分钟然后失败。

当实际分钟为 09 时要解决什么问题?如果是 10,11 没问题....

错误:Evaluating expression '09 > 20' failed: SyntaxError: leading zeros in decimal integer literals are not permitted; use an 0o prefix for octal integers (<string>, line 1)


Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Run Keyword If   ${modelTrainedDuration} > ${minutes}   fail    Model Trained Duration is more than ${minutes} minutes


Run Keyword And Continue On Failure    Run Keyword If   "${modelTrainedDuration}" > "${minutes}"   fail    Model Trained Duration is more than ${minutes} minutes