
Paramaterization with user defined functions, KQL

我想在 KQL 中的函数中添加一个变量,如下所示。知道怎么做吗?我尝试了 str_concat() 但抛出了一条错误消息。其他一些想法?此函数应该 return 函数内的正则表达式模式,在本例中就是 X 中指定的单词之后的单词。

let MyFunction = (X: string, arg1: string){extract("{X}\s([^\s]+", 1, Y)};
datatable(Num:int, Message: string)[
1, "Ye who in rhymes dispersed the echoes hear",
2, "Of those sad sighs with which my heart I fed",
3, "When early youth my mazy wanderings led",
4, "Fondly different from what I now appear"]
My = MyFunction("my", Message),
Preposition = MyFunction("[Of|in|from]", Message)
  1. 您可以使用逐字字符串 (@"..."),因此不需要双重转义 (\)
  2. 捕获组(要提取的部分)由括号定义((...))
  3. 正则表达式 OR 运算符 | 应像 X|Y|Z 一样使用,[] 用于定义字符集。
    通过使用 [Of|in|from],您基本上定义了一组字符,其中包括字符 Of|inro & m
  4. (?:...) 将参数与文本正确分开,但避免将其视为捕获组

let MyFunction = (X: string, Y: string){extract(strcat("(?i:",X, @")\s+(\S+)"), 1, Y)};
datatable(Num:int, Message: string)[
1, "Ye who in rhymes dispersed the echoes hear",
2, "Of those sad sighs with which my heart I fed",
3, "When early youth my mazy wanderings led",
4, "Fondly different from what I now appear"]
| extend My = MyFunction("my", Message), Preposition = MyFunction("of|in|from", Message)
Num Message My Preposition
1 Ye who in rhymes dispersed the echoes hear rhymes
2 Of those sad sighs with which my heart I fed heart those
3 When early youth my mazy wanderings led mazy
4 Fondly different from what I now appear what
