在通过 Visual Studio 为 PSI HoloLensCaptureApp 创建程序包时如何避免 resources.pri 错误?

How do I avoid the resources.pri error when creating the package for the PSI HoloLensCaptureApp via Visual Studio?

Microsoft 有一个名为 Platform for Situated Intelligence (PSI). In the latest release, they introduced a tool called HoloLensCapture, which allows for capturing all the data provided by the HoloLens and streaming it to a computer. However, you need to create the app package yourself in Visual Studio for the capture app 的多模式 AI 框架。提供的说明(在您修复由于图形资产导致的初始错误之后)导致以下错误:



此问题的简单修复如下:在包创建向导中,在“select 和配置包”阶段,将“生成应用程序包”选项从“始终”更改为“如果需要”或“从不”。

这应该可以解决问题。但是请注意,这也意味着您必须在通过设备门户将应用程序包上传到 HoloLens 时手动将三个依赖项指定为框架包。