POST 方法中的问号使用 FastAPI returns 404 错误

Question mark in POST method using FastAPI returns 404 error

能否请您向我解释一下为什么在 FastAPI 中可以执行以下操作:"/items/v1/cards{sku}")
async def create_item(sku: str):
    return {"status":200,"sku":sku}  # returns status:200 and sku 

async def create_item(sku: str):
    return {"sku":sku}  # returns 404

在第一个代码片段中,您将参数定义为 Path parameter and works as expected. In the second one, however, you attempt to pass a Query parameter in the wrong way. As per the documentation:

When you declare other function parameters that are not part of the path parameters, they are automatically interpreted as "query" parameters.

async def create_item(sku: str):
    return {"sku":sku}

The query is the set of key-value pairs that go after the ? in a URL, separated by & characters.

例如,在 URL: