
How do I change the direction of a vertical Waffle?


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pywaffle import Waffle
values = [3, 8, 9, 13, 9, 4, 5, 9, 10, 7, 4, 1]
colors = ["#1D428A", "#5566A6", "#838DC2", "#B1B6DF", "#DEE1FC", "#FFFFFF"]
colors = colors + colors[::-1]
fig = plt.figure(
    FigureClass = Waffle,
    columns = 4,
    values = values[::-1],
    colors = colors,
    block_arranging_style = "snake",
    vertical = True)

结果如下所示:https://imgur.com/a/CQzZnn4。 简而言之,我想要改变 Waffle 的方向:不是第一行有两个方块,最后一行有四个方块,而是相反:第一行有四个方块,最后一行有两个方块。我该怎么做?

我是第一次使用它,但我认为official reference中的方向设置是可以的。

Where to Start First Block Use parameter starting_location to set the location of starting block. It accepts locations in string like NW, SW, NE and SE representing four corners. By default, it is SW, meaning PyWaffle starts drawing blocks from lower-left corner.

Here is an example that start plotting from lower-right corner (SE).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pywaffle import Waffle
values = [3, 8, 9, 13, 9, 4, 5, 9, 10, 7, 4, 1]
colors = ["#1D428A", "#5566A6", "#838DC2", "#B1B6DF", "#DEE1FC", "#FFFFFF"]
colors = colors + colors[::-1]
fig = plt.figure(
    FigureClass = Waffle,
    values = values[::-1],
    colors = colors,
    block_arranging_style = "snake",
    vertical = True,