如何使用google 应用程序脚本将google 工作表中多个表格的相应单元格的内容相加?

How to sum the contents of corresponding cells of multiple tables in google sheets using google app script?

我有多个产品 table 具有相同的列名。我需要从一个 table 中获取所有数据,按名称(“产品”)将此数据与摘要 table 中的数据进行比较。如果商品名称匹配,则需要在“月报”中汇总商品的成​​本和重量table,如果不匹配,则添加一条新记录。 tables 的内容示例如图所示: Daily report, Monthly report.

Link 记录:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nQfGvAhWeXVQkI1WkCUFMRHCuVl13kXM_tf9FXopgas/edit?usp=sharing

我尝试在下面的代码中这样做,但我刚刚开始学习 javascript 并且有几个问题:

  1. 看来我无法正确处理包含许多来自不同 tables 的记录的数组。
  2. 如何将单元格中的数据与数组中的相应数据相加?
  3. 如何在table末尾的相应单元格中添加新数据?
 * This script gets summary data from other sheets. The sheets you want to summarize must have columns with headers that match the names of the columns this function summarizes data from.

const MONTHLY_REPORT = "Monthly report";

 * The function receives data from all sheets except "Monthly report" 
 * @return {string} Summary data from other sheets.
function copyData() {
  var diary = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheets = diary.getSheets();
  var outputArr = [];
  for (var s in sheets) {
    // Gets sheet name.
    var sheetNm = sheets[s].getName();
    if (sheetNm === MONTHLY_REPORT) { continue; }
    // Gets sheets data.
    var values = sheets[s].getDataRange().getValues();
    // Gets the first row of the sheet which is the header row.
    var headerRowValues = values[0];
    // Finds the columns with the heading names and gets the index value of each.
    var columnProduct = headerRowValues.indexOf("Product name");
    var columnWeight = headerRowValues.indexOf("Sold in grams");
    var columnCash = headerRowValues.indexOf("Cash payments");
    var columnNoneCash = headerRowValues.indexOf("Cashless payments");
    // Removes header row.
    // Gets the 'Product name' column value by retrieving the first data row in the array.
    var product = values[0][columnProduct];
    var weight = values[0][columnWeight];
    var cash = values[0][columnCash];
    var noneCash = values[0][columnNoneCash];

  return outputArr;

 * The function summarizes or adds data from all sheets to the "Monthly report"
 * @return None

function insertData(){
  var reportList = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Monthly report");
  //Get daily data array
  var diaryData = copyData();
  var newRecords = [];

  var values = reportList.getDataRange().getValues();
  // Gets the first row of the sheet which is the header row.
  var headerRowValues = values[0];
  try {
     * Problem in this block.
     * I'm trying to iterate through all the records in the "Monthly report" table 
     * and find the product name that matches the product name in the array.
    for (var row = 0; row < values.length; row++) {
        for(var column = 0;column<values[row].length;column++){
            //if there is a product with this name in the table, then sum up the corresponding cells for cost and weight.
          if (values[row][column].indexOf("Product name").getValues() === item [0].getValues()){
            //How to add new data in cell?
            //if it doesn't exist, add a new entry to the table..
            else {
              var value = item [0].getValues();
    var lrow   = reportList.getLastRow();  
    //how to add data to corresponding cells?
  } catch (err) {
    Logger.log('Failed with error %s', err.message);

我会提出我最喜欢的将 table 数据转换为对象数据的方法:

  product1: {weight: 1, cash: 2, no_cash: 3, ...},
  product2: {weight: 1, cash: 2, no_cash: 3, ...},
  product3: {weight: 1, cash: 2, no_cash: 3, ...},



function main() {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

  // make the array of data objects from all the sheets
  var objects = spreadsheet.getSheets().map(sheet => get_obj_from_sheet(sheet));

  // make the object with merged data from all the objects
  var merged_obj = merge_objects(objects);

  // convert the merged object into a table and put the table on the report sheet
  var sheet       = spreadsheet.getSheetByName('Monthly report');
  var header      = sheet.getDataRange().getValues().shift();
  var col_product = header.indexOf('Product name');
  var col_weight  = header.indexOf('Sold in grams');
  var col_cash    = header.indexOf('Cash payments');
  var col_no_cash = header.indexOf('Cashless payments');

  var data = [];
  for (let product in merged_obj) {
    var row = new Array(header.length);
    row[col_product] = product;
    row[col_weight]  = merged_obj[product][header[col_weight]];
    row[col_cash]    = merged_obj[product][header[col_cash]];
    row[col_no_cash] = merged_obj[product][header[col_no_cash]];
  var table = [header, ...data];


function get_obj_from_sheet(sheet) {
  var [header, ...data] = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  var col_product = header.indexOf('Product name');
  var obj = {};
  for(var row of data) {
    var product = row[col_product];
    obj[product] = {};
    for (var i in header) obj[product][header[i]] = row[i];
  return obj;

function merge_objects(objects) {
  var cols = Object.keys(objects[0][Object.keys(objects[0])[0]]); // get headers from the first object
  var merged_obj = {};
  for (var obj of objects) {
    for (var product in obj) {
      try {
        for (var col of cols) merged_obj[product][col] += obj[product][col];
      } catch(e) {
        merged_obj[product] = obj[product];
  return merged_obj;
