
Write code to iterate all files in a directory and append each file's path to a dictionary

我需要在我的 python 模块中实现以下目标。

  1. 通过argparse模块获取目录作为参数
  2. 使用该目录遍历该目录中存在的所有文件。
  3. 稍后,仅将 CSV 文件附加到字典并将它们存储在那里。

我试过 os.walk,但它 return 什么都没有。



 import argparse
 import os
 import re
 # Accepting arguments for source_directory, my_sql connection details and table name to 
   update the MySQL entries to
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Utility to update MySQL tables on remote host')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--source_dir', help='Enter Path For CSV File')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Empty dictionary to store list CSV files in directory
files_in_dir = {}
# Function to iterate through the source_directory and read-only CSV files and append them 
   to files_in_dir dictionary
if args.source_dir:
    for file in args.source_dir:
        if os.path.abspath(file.name).endswith('.csv'):
            files_in_dir[(os.path.abspath(file.name))] = 0
            print("The file %s is not a .csv file and it will be ignored" % (file.name))


 python3 sourcecheck.py -s /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/*
usage: sourcecheck.py [-h] [-s SOURCE_DIR]
sourcecheck.py: error: unrecognized arguments: /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/Book1.csv /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/Build.py /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/car_data.csv /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/db.py /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/Edited.csv /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/Iris.csv /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/Lab_Python_for_Data_Analytics.ipynb /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/startupNaN.csv /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/startupog.csv /home/thepredator/Desktop/VOIS/csv_files/text.csv

上面的代码是我通过看不同的视频写出来的。请帮我修正错误。另外,我不是 python 专家。

我将 files_dir = {} 行更改为

files_in_dir = { key:0 for key in os.listdir(args.source_dir) if os.path.abspath(key).endswith(".csv") }


if-else 中的语句版本遵循以下请求:

for key in os.listdir(args.source_dir):
    if os.path.abspath(key).endswith(".csv"):
        files_in_dir[key] = 0
        print(f"The file {key} is not a .csv file and it will be ignored")


import os

files = os.listdir("/path_to_directory")    

csv = list(filter(lambda f: f.endswith('.csv'), files))

csv 包含所有扩展名为 .csv 的文件