
Transforming some codes on weighted chi-square tests into functions of variables

我有一个代码可以进行加权卡方检验。它还获取 p 值并将其添加到数据集中。我想将代码转换为一个函数,其中参数是变量名。数据(称为)看起来像这样:

Gender  UserStatus  Weight
Female  HC          1.3
Male    IDP         0.8
Male    HC          1.3
Male    V           1.1
Female  IDP         0.8
Female  HC          1.3
Female  IDP         0.8
Male    HC          1.3
Female  IDP         0.8
Male    IDP         0.8
Male    IDP         0.8
Female  IDP         0.8
Female  V           1.1
Male    IDP         0.8
Male    V           1.1
Female  HC          1.3
Male    IDP         0.8
Male    V           1.1


#Create the empty database
dTests <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
colnames(dTests) <- c('var1', 'var2', 'pvalue')

#Affiliate the weight to the data
dGenderUserStatus <- data %>%
  filter(!is.na(Gender) & !is.na(UserStatus)) %>%
  as_survey_design(weights = Weight)

#Calculate the Chi square p-value
pvalue <- svychisq( ~ Gender + UserStatus, dGenderUserStatus) %>% 

#add row
dTests[nrow(dTests) + 1,] <- c("Gender","UserStatus", pvalue)


   #Create the empty database
    dTests <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
    colnames(dTests) <- c('var1', 'var2', 'pvalue')
FctChiSquareTestGender <- function(data,Var,weight){
  dGenderVar <- data %>%
    filter(!is.na(Gender) & !is.na(get(Var))) %>%
    as_survey_design(weights = {{weight}})

  pvalue <- svychisq( ~ Gender + get(Var), dGenderVar) %>% 

  #add row
  dTests[nrow(dTests) + 1,] <- c("Gender",Var, pvalue)


不幸的是,当我调用“get(Var)”时,代码无法通过函数“svychisq”创建 pvalue。我收到此错误消息:

您是否知道我应该如何处理 get(Var) 以便此代码有效?



我怀疑你不需要在公式中使用 get(Var),你可以只使用字符串 Var:

Gender <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5)
statuses <- c("HC", "IDP", "V")
Userstatus <- replicate(sample(statuses, 1), n = 100)

myfunction <- function(Var){
  form <- as.formula(paste("~ Gender", Var, sep = "+"))
#> ~Gender + Userstatus
#> <environment: 0x55ba8badbbf0>

你用 form 代替 svychisq() 的公式输入。